13 • Growing Pains

289 32 28

🎭 Natheda 🎭

I roll my eyes at Namjoon. "I am sure the boy and the man Namjoon are still co-mingling in there somewhere."

"Not at all. I have done a lot of growing up over the years; all of it was mandatory and very much needed. I have found myself at least twice," he chuckles, "and the second time I built upon myself for the better."


"You can disagree all you wish, but it is the truth. I'm sure you aren't the same Natheda I knew twenty years ago, are you?"

I look at him appalled. "Hell, no! I have been through so many life events that have shaped and molded me.."

I trail off noticing Namjoon smirk to the point his dimples start to show. Damn him for still being so attractive at his big old age.

"But my circumstances were much different than yours, Namjoon. By far."

He licks his lips and it makes me angry how closely I watch his tongue glide across the pink flesh.

"Circumstances don't matter, Theda. The point still stands that people change with time.. and money."

Here we go. "So money helped change you? Is that what I'm hearing?"

"It aided in my growth and I felt that the more my wealth grew, the more I as a man grew as well. For example, I used to waste money to impress others. Now I invest money for my own wellbeing."

"I'd rather not discuss your finances if at all possible," I sneer as I look off into the room.

"I wasn't trying to discuss financial situations whether it be mine or yours. I just wanted to find a way to explain to you how I have changed over time. We can talk about something else if you would like."

My petty rears it's ugly head. "Do you have any idea how much of MY money you wasted on bullshit while we were together?"


AGE: 19

🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Shit! That was a long ass shift!" I exclaim dropping myself onto the sofa beside my man.

Namjoon doesn't look my way. He probably didn't hear me with his headset covering his ears and all of his attention on the television.

From the looks of it, he remembered it was my payday. There's an empty pizza box and a bowl with chicken bones soaking in sauce on the coffee table as well as a take-out tray from the local chinese restaurant.

On the floor in front of the television stand is an empty game case halfway in the plastic along with a bag from a video game store and a few receipts.


"Get the fuck out of there! Holy shit!" He yells at the screen, bouncing in his seat.

"Joon?" I tap his shoulder.

He jumps and lifts one side of his headset away from his ear. "What the fuck, Theda? Don't you see me in the middle of a game?"

"I just wanted to say I'm home."

"Well, I can see that, so.." and he returns to his video game.

I watch him become more and more engrossed in his game until I grow tired of hearing him yell, and I head for the bedroom. I fall onto my back on the bed with a heavy sigh of relief.

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now