33 • Only Human

272 27 60

🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Thank you for coming over, Jungkook."

Jungkook eyes me with one brow raised as he enters my apartment. His jaw clenches in that intimidating/ sexy way that always made me wet and this is no exception.

"You asked me over to talk, so here I am," he flippantly replies taking only a few steps inside of the doorway.

"I did. I wanted to talk about us and-"

"We already had that talk, Theda, and you decided that you didn't think us being together was a good idea anymore," he blasts.

"I didn't intend for us to have so much animosity, Kook! I just couldn't see how it would be fair to you if we tried our relationship again right now when I still have so many unsettled emotions."

He scoffs, rolling his eyes and clenching his jaw again. "Is that what you're calling them? 'Unsettled emotions'? You are still in love with your ex-husband! There is no gray area in that!"

"I have strong feelings I am trying to work through so that hopefully in the future you and I can try again with a clean slate."

"Oh, they're 'strong feelings' now. Okay." He makes a 'tsk' sound and shakes his head.

"Jungkook, please-"

"Tell me something, Theda. Did I cross your mind at all when he was fucking you?"

My jaw drops and my eyes widen at his candid question.

"When you had your legs spread wide, did you think of the way I felt inside of you at all? Did he eat you out?"

He faces the ceiling with a sniff. "What am I asking? Of course he did. The fucked out look on your face when you came home to me told me every act you let him do to you."

"Why are you saying these things?"

He rushes up to me pressing his body against mine to pin me to the living room wall. The look in his eyes is terrifying as he stares down at me.

"Because I want to know where these fucking 'strong feelings' you had for me were when your ex was balls deep inside the pussy you said was all mine."

"This is childish!" I yell into his face.

"I'm still a child, remember? Too young to treat like an adult but old enough to fuck everyday, right?"

"I never said that."

"Actions, Theda. You came across loud and fucking clear."

Jungkook glares at me with anger and pain swirling in his coffee eyes. The heartbreak I caused is now ingrained into his psyche.

His mouth takes mine suddenly and I don't fight it even though I believe I should. I relax my body against the wall letting him press himself against every inch of my being.

This kiss is hard, rough. It is nothing similar to the passionate kisses I've come to know and love from him.

His mouth leaves my lips and moves down to the side of my neck harshly suckling at the tender flesh. He forces my chin upwards with one hand and uses his other to tear away at the buttons on my jeans.

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now