23 • Out Loud

246 29 26

🎭 Jungkook 🎭

"..and I just got her painted last weekend especially so I could take her on her maiden voyage tonight." Gabe brags on his Catalina as he rubs over the roof of the car.

"Whoever painted her did a helluva job, I tell ya what." A man named Jimin says.

"It's a beauty, man! I can't believe you found one in such good condition." Another man, I believe he said his name was Andrew replies bending down to investigate the engine.

"That was lucky, Gabe. Most of the ones I've seen are wrecked and cost a small fortune in repairs." I add.

"I can't believe you know so much about cars, young man," Andrew lays his hand on my shoulder with an impressed squeeze. His brows pinch when he feels how hard my shoulders are and I assume it hurts his fingers.

"Yeah, I love them. My uncle was into them heavy when I was growing up and he shared his interest with me."

"Speaking of 'sharing interests'.." Gabe chuckles with a side glance to a smirking Jimin "..I can't believe you just left Theda at the reunion like that."

I give him a confused look. "Pardon?"

Jimin answers for him. "You must have hella trust in your girlfriend to just leave her the way you did."

The three men's shifty smiles concern me. "Of course I trust her and I didn't leave her. I'm going back to-"

Gabe busts out laughing first. "You left your girlfriend with her ex-husband! Do you know what kind of fire they had between them in high school? Leaving her there is beyond trust! That's just stupid!"

I feel like a fool as these men laugh in my face. They then begin to make crude jokes about all of the times Theda and Remi, who I now know is Namjoon, were caught having some type of sex on school grounds.

I'm nauseous. Why would Theda not tell me the man she was speaking to was her ex-husband Namjoon? How could she leave me in the dark like that?

"Hey, man. Hey. we're just goofing around," Jimin attempts to diffuse the situation. "You trust her and I'm sure she wouldn't fall for Remi again. Ya'll got a good thing, right?"

"Yeah," I murmur, not quite so sure of anything anymore. "We do."

AGE 22

🎭 Jungkook 🎭

I have never wanted exclusivity with any woman I've ever been with as much as I want it with Theda. I don't want that to make me sound like some type of man-whore, but I am not exactly pure and innocent.

By the end of our first date, Theda and I knew we would be having sex that night. We went back to her place immediately following dinner, and within the first hour I'd already made her cum twice without ever removing my pants.

When I did remove my pants, I instantly found out what it felt like to be putty in someone's hands. Luckily, it wasn't just Theda's hands that I was in.

The sex was mindblowing to say the least. I had always heard that older women know what they want and they aren't afraid to take it, but this was better than I imagined.

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now