28 • Respecting Wishes

221 27 10

🎭 Julian 🎭

"I can't believe you told your dad off that way, Jules," Naeli states as she leans against our kitchen counter and brings her wine glass to her lips.

"He needed to hear it," I reply pouring myself another glass. "Nobody else was going to tell him it's his own fault for being a dumbass and taking the only actual mother I ever knew for granted."

"Do you really think your dad still loves her?"

I nod. "Definitely. Theda was an amazing woman back then and, from what I have read online and in magazines, an even more outstanding woman to this day."

Naeli's brows draw together. "Magazines? Is she famous?"

"Theda is the first woman to hold the position of Managing Director at Surbrev, a company which is well known to not treat their female employees in the best of fashion. She is also the first and only person of color to hold the title."

Naeli forms a small 'o' with her mouth. "Are you talking about Natheda Turner?"

"That's Mama T."

"You're not serious! I read all about her! She's amazing!" Naeli sets her glass on the counter and approaches me placing her hands at my waist.

I proudly smile. "I know. She's always been amazing to me."

"I can't believe you never told me this before! Honey, your stepmother is an idol to a lot of women in business. The way she started college late but she worked her ass off to get to where she is now is such an inspiration."

Naeli unbuttons my shirt starting from the bottom. Her hands cruise over my abdomen enticingly as she leans forward to lay her lips against my bare chest.

"I can't wait to have children with you, Jules. I am looking forward to the day I can tell everyone that I am the mother of your beautiful babies."

Her mouth feels splendid on my skin as it always does. I pace my breathing to calm what I know is happening to my body.

"I can't wait to give you babies, Li." My voice deepens as I speak.

Naeli moves her hands down to my stomach, then to my sides before drifting them along my belt. She gently tugs at my buckle with a whimpering, defeated sigh.

"Do you need me to help you tonight?" I ask.

"In so many ways, baby, but you want to wait for what I really want and I will respect your wishes."

Lovingly massaging her scalp with my fingertips, I give her a peck on the end of her adorable nose and a smile.

"Thank you for that. I appreciate it more than you know."

AGE: 11

🎭 Julian 🎭

"You not gonna eat your burger again?" I ask watching Mama T poke at the French fries in her basket with the French fry she holds between her index finger and thumb.

She looks at me with an almost sad smile. "I'm not real hungry today, baby. You eat up though, okay?"

"But you weren't hungry last week or the week before that neither. And you look real down."

"I'm fine, Jules."

I drop my burger back into its basket. "Did Daddy do something to make you sad again?"

Mama T flutters her lashes, looking off into the many people passing by the outdoor restaurant where we are having dinner. It takes her a few seconds and a big exhale to be able to look me in the eyes and answer.

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