03 • Falling On Deaf Ears

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Jolly afternoon, my gorgeous melanated sisters." Lyn chirps as she breezes up to our usual lunch table.

My longest and best friend Lyn's hands are full of shopping bags from at least four or five high-end retailers. Even though she doesn't work, she's dressed just like a businesswoman; her plaid blazer and red slacks fit her full-frame and compliment her deep complexion impeccably. 

A snort from across the table diverts my attention to my other long time friend Rinae. She tosses a lock of her mid-back length light brown hair over her right shoulder and rests her hands on the table intertwining her long tan fingers together.

"Somebody got some good-good this morning, I see," Rinae smirks, watching Lyn take her seat between us and get comfortable.

"The hubby has been extra sweet these past few days. Kind of sad all it took was me threatening to leave him for him to get on board."

I roll my eyes. "I don't even know why you threw that one out there to begin with, girl. You've been with his boring ass all of these years, he should know you ain't leaving him now."

"Well, he doesn't. I swear after twenty-five years, a Master's, three badass children, and two beautiful grandchildren, that man is still just as slow as he was the first night we got together."

Lyn adjusts her blazer over her white tank. "He's lucky his stamina hasn't dropped or he might be in some deep shit."

"Speaking of stamina," Rinae turns her attention back to me, "Miss Natheda here was just bragging about the sex she had with her twenty-something-year-old significant other a few nights ago. Please continue, love."

A soft "ohh?" echoes in the air from Lyn's end of the table.

"Yes, my young catch is bomb in bed." Gloating comes with the territory. "So what?"

"Miss Cougar also said Mister Fine-Young-Thang proposed."

Lynn gasps. Rinae deviously grins. This bitch can't keep a secret.

"Nae, that wasn't necessary to the convo."

"Like hell!" Patting my hand, Lyn asks, "So, we doing a summer or fall wedding cause I look better in bright colors. I'm just saying."


Rinae answers for me. "She told him no, Lyn."

Lyn removes her hand, frowning at me like she smelled something bad. "This is a joke, right?"


"No, girl. Miss Theda claimed it's too soon into their relationship like they haven't been doing the nasty since the first night they met."

"Nae, let me talk!" My irritation level is rising. "Please?"

Rinae wiggles her bright red lips no doubt considering whether to let me finish my own damn story. She squints her hazel eyes at me as if she can see through to my thoughts before replying.

"M'kay. But you leave out any details, I'm jumping in."

"Jungkook and I aren't to the marriage level yet."

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