35 • EPILOGUE - Mr. & Mrs.

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

My husband's soft lips move languidly over mine as his hands caress my hips and thighs. His mouth decends to the side of my neck and he grinds his clothed erection against the damp fabric of my panties, his pelvis pressing my own deeper into the plush blankets of the bed in our luxurious honeymoon suite.

My wedding dress and his tux long discarded and forgotten somewhere on the suite's floor, we lay pressed together in only our underwear. Soon enough he and I will be bare with nothing separating us from consummating our marriage.

His large hands gently maneuver the strings of my panties down my body when the wait becomes nearly too much to tolerate. As soon as I am naked, his fingers sink into my ready warmth with a moan of pleasure.

"You feel so good, Theda," he coos into my ear.

I tug him free of his boxers careful to keep my excitement in check when I uncover his hardness. His precum slicks his tip and drips over my fingers.

"I want to taste you," I whimper as I try to shift the upper half of my body lower.

"No, baby. Not right now. Right now I need to be inside of you too bad." He kisses me stealing my breath.

We move slowly as we make love for the first time as husband and wife. We cherish every inch of each other's bodies pampering our still fragile emotions along the way.

Feather light touches, gentle kisses, and passionate moans occupy the entirety of our room for hours. We cum and cum again and again unable to sate our desire for each other.

He goes so deep inside of my core every single magnificent stroke. He plunges deeper and deeper, spreading my legs wider and grinding his hips against the backs of my thighs.

I don't hold back my sounds of elation. I am loud and I don't give a damn who hears as long as my husband keeps digging into me like this.

"Theda.. fuuuck.." He pants squinting his eyes closed. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum again.. fuuuck.."

My walls clench him tighter as my own orgasm hits forcing him over the edge. He grunts, shoving his hips forward a few final times filling me full of his release.

He rests his big body on top of me as he frees my shaky legs. We kiss passionately with all of the energy we have remaining from our lovemaking.

"Come with me to the jacuzzi?" He asks planting delicate kisses over the top of my chest.

"I'd love to," I smile as I take his face in both of my hands and bring him in for a kiss.

There is nothing better than being cuddled in the warmth of a large jacuzzi with a man who loves you to the ends of the earth and back again. My back is pressed to my husband's strong chest as he holds me delicately, his fingertips walking over my collar and breasts before disappearing under the water. He lays a kiss to my temple and another to the shell of my ear.

"How do you feel being married again?" My lover asks with another peck to my temple.

"This feels right. Being here with you feels good." I look up at him. "What about you?"

"Honestly, I'm scared shitless," he chuckles lightly.

My brows draw together. "Do you think you made a mistake today?"

There is no hesitation in his reply which gives me some relief. "Not at all. Being your husband is exactly what I have wanted for years, but.."

His voice fades and he looks off into the suite. I watch his Adam's apple bob a few times and he blinks nervously thinking over his words.

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