06 • Ride The Dragon

446 38 29

🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Damn, Theda. You can't be bending over like that in front of me once we get in here or I might steal you away for a quickie in the locker rooms," Jungkook purrs into my left ear with his hands on my hips.

I don't even hold back my smirk. "Do you want to get us both expelled, Jungkook?"

"If I get to spend everyday in bed with you, it's a risk I'm willing to take." He pecks my cheek.

Moving to walk at my side, Jungkook takes my hand in his. The butterflies in my stomach are stupid but expected as we near the large metal double doors of my alma mater.

"Who are you most excited to see first?" He asks, holding the door open for me.

"Lyn, probably."

Jungkook tsks with an eye roll. "You see Lyn all of the time! You literally just had lunch with her yesterday!"

"So? She's my best friend. I can't be excited to see my best friend again?"

"I meant old classmates. Who would you like to see?"

"I never really hung out with anyone other than Lyn. I mean there was Carmela, and I hope I don't have to see her tonight."

Jungkook tosses me a puzzled look. "Why not?"

"Let's just say, she wasn't as good of a friend as I thought she was, and I found out the hard way." Hopefully that was vague enough. I'd really rather not get into the whole ordeal with him right now.

"I see," he replies with a nod.

As soon as we enter, I am taken aback by the familiarity of the gymnasium aroma. Some things never change even after twenty-five years.

There are streamers from one side of the gym to the other joined together with bunches of balloons all in the school's colors of burgundy, navy blue, and silver. Several round tables draped in silver and burgundy tablecloths have chair covers in navy blue tied at the backs in a decorative bow.

"Hello! Welcome to East High!" chirps the young girl standing behind a table with name tags at the entrance. She is entirely too happy and too young to be at this reunion.

"Hello," I calmly reply. "I am-"

"Ohmuhgosh! You're Nat- uhm.." her face reddens. "I'm sorry I forgot your name, but I read about you in the paper! You're my hero!"

"I am?"

"Yes! The company you work for is well known for not giving women the respect they deserve, but you were able to change that! I think that is amazing. I'd love to be able to make a change like that someday once I graduate college, that is."

Taking my name tag from the table, I offer her a genuine smile. "I am sure you will. I mentor some young women on the side and if you ever need anything, give my office a call."

She stares starry eyed at me. "Really? Oh, thank you so much! I hope you have a great evening!"

"You're kind of a big deal, Natheda," Jungkook smirks as we walk into the crowd. "She's still not as proud of you as I am, though."

"Maybe a little bit of a big deal," I grin back.

"Oh my gosh!! Natheda!!" A blonde squeals as she damn near skips up to hug me. I think I remember her from my second period math class.

"Yeah, hi. Uhm.. Sharona, right?"

"Yes! I can't believe you remembered! How have you been? You look amazing, by the way. Are you still with-"

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now