02 • Variables

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Damnit, Kook!"

Jungkook glares at me through the thin, single strip of clear glass in the frosted shower door. I swear, for this damn boy to be so innocent faced, he has a terrifying stare.

"So, you are really doing this right now, Natheda?" His voice is low and deep.

He's pissed.

I turn my back to him and resume my shower. "You're not going to start this nonsense again, are you?"

"Nice to know my feelings are nonsense to you."

When I peer over my shoulder, I see Jungkook slam something into the trash and he huffs as he exits the room.


I mumble to myself as I end my shower and grab my towel to wrap it around my body. I know what he put in the trash, or rather, what he returned to the trash.

"I'm too old for this bullshit!"

Jungkook lays on his left side propped up on his elbow in my bed with his legs crossed at the ankle. The first thing I notice as he flips through the television stations is that he is wearing the black silk pajama bottoms I gifted him our first Christmas as a couple.

Those silk pajama bottoms mean he's extra pissed. The only times he has worn those in the past year have been the times we have had an argument.

His young ass thinks showing off his V-line, rock hard abs, broad chest, and behemoth set of guns along with the way his bulge is prominently displayed beautifully will end any disagreements we are about to have, but he's wrong.


"Your feelings aren't nonsense, Jungkook. I just don't get the big deal you make over me showering after sex."

"You douched, too."

"So? I douched and I showered."

"You shower every single time after we have sex, Theda, and on the occasions we haven't used a condom, like just now, you douche immediately afterwards before you take a shower. How do you think that should make me feel?"

I cross my arms, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. "It should make you feel proud that your significant other likes to be clean."

"It makes me feel like my girlfriend thinks I am disgusting and she has to shower and douche to rinse me off of and out of her body."

"That's not-"

"Don't lie to me or to yourself, please."

I wiggle my lips to hide that I am biting my tongue. "That isn't the case."

"Then why don't you do it any other time?"

"I douche after I have my period."

"You don't. I counted how many bottles you had versus how many times we had sex without a condom. You only used them after sex with me."

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now