26 • Alone

271 31 41

🎭 Namjoon 🎭

"Oh! And send a thank you fruit arrangement to my clients from Tuesday. They were a lovely older couple who were quite the relief from the other assholes I deal with on the day to day. The wife mentioned she loves fruit and I'd like to show my appreciation."

Arranging a few papers on my desk uses most of my concentration so it takes extra beats to realize Hoseok hasn't moved to make any notes of my request on the work pad strapped to his palm. I stop my busy hands to peer over my lenses at my assistant.

Hoseok remains wordless. His arms are crossed over the white accent design on his mostly black designer sweater and his weight rests on his left leg. His right leg is slightly twisted to the side as he impatiently taps the toe of his Chelsea boot.

His lips are pressed into a thin line. His anger is evident.

"What?" I ask. "Is a fruit basket a poor idea for a thank you?"

"So we're just not going to talk about it? Is that it?" Hoseok's words are sharp.

"Talk about the fruit basket? Why?"

He huffs. "I'm not talking about the fruit basket, Namjoon. Is there something you failed to mention to me again today?"

Scanning over my assistant, I search for anything about his appearance which may have changed since seeing him yesterday. He tends to get a bit emotional when he tries to swap up something and I don't notice.

Feeling as if I've succeeded in weeding out the change, I present him with a grin. "You cut your hair. Right?"

"Namjoon.." He hangs his head, shaking it from side to side and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"That wasn't it? The haircut?"

"Yes! I got a haircut, but that was on Monday! I'm talking about your reunion!" He replies in exasperation.

"I'm sorry it has taken me all week to notice that you changed your hair," I begin as I am hoping to deflect from the second half of his outburst. "Is the platinum brighter as well?"

"Namjoon! It is brighter, but I don't want to talk about my hair right now. That conversation can be held at a later time, most likely immediately following the matter at hand. Now, what happened at the reunion?"

Sighing, I remove my glasses and drop them to my desk. I lean back in my chair and exhale another long drawl of air directing my gaze to my office windows and the skyline outside.

"I saw old classmates, drank some cheap wine, and then I returned home."

"And was Natheda there?" he nudges on the conversation.

I am determined to not feed him more information than is needed. "She was."

"And did you talk to her?"

"I did."

Hoseok rushes around my desk, grabbing his assistant chair along the way and excitedly takes a seat at my side. My eyebrows draw together.

"What are you do-"

"What did you talk about? Will you see each other again?" He nearly vibrates in his seat.

"We talked about things that most people talk about at reunions. We reminisced on the past and bragged a bit about where we are now. Then we went our separate ways. Why do you want to know this?"

"Did you ask to see her again?"

"No, I didn't ask to see her again. There's no reason for such a question."

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now