08 • I Remember You

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🎭 Namjoon 🎭

"Reeeemmmiii!" The balding, middle aged man I don't recognize glides up to me with his hand raised in the air waiting for a high five. "My guy! How in the hell ya been, buddy?"

"I go by Namjoon now, and I have been spectacular, uhm.." I trail off with my brows raised hoping he replies with his name.

"Holy shit! I can't believe you don't remember me! Carter Rouse! Remember? I used to be one of your best customers!"

"Ah. You never bought anything from me, but I do remember you, Carter," I lie. "How have you been?"

"Good, good. Life is great, actually. Obviously not as good as life has been treating you, but still nothing to complain about. My old ball-and-chain saw on the news where you just bought some kind of business or something? She was impressed at how well you have done over the years."

I don't like the way this Carter fellow is fidgeting right beside of me. I know what causes that kind of twitching.

"My company has acquired a few businesses recently. Is your 'ball-and-chain' in attendance tonight?"

"She's too scared to let me out of her sight! Worried some other woman will come and -whoosh!- whisk me away!" He sniffs with a smug expression, adjusting the waist of his ill fitting slacks under his beer gut.

"I see."

Looking around the room, Carter finds his mate. He points to a glasses wearing brunette refilling her cup near the refreshment table. "There's my Sammy."

Sammy.. As I look her over, she sweeps her long stringy hair to one shoulder revealing what appears to be a birthmark shaped like Italy just to the side of her neck. My eyes widen when I realize this woman gave me oral in high school on a multitude of occasions while she was dating-


"..Pudge.." I murmur to myself. My eyes drift over to the classmate at my side and I squint to check my correctness.

"You do remember me!" He guffaws, slapping my shoulder. "The only ones who still call me that are Sammy and my mom!"

Well, fuck.

"So, uh, you and Theda still-"

"No." I answer bluntly, averting my gaze and raising my cup to my lips.

"Damn. I bet you're sick as fuck about that, huh, Rem? Especially with her being as hot as she still is. I mean gaddamn! I would eat her ass like a five-star buffet if she let me!" He makes crude slurping noises.

Apart from the disgusting sound, some of his statement intrigues me. "You've seen her recently?"

The way he licks his lips as he talks about Theda pisses me off when there shouldn't be a reason.

"Yeah, and I will probably fantasize about that ass while I fuck my wife tonight. Haven't you seen Theda yet? She's right over there."

AGE 19

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