34 • The Passage of Time

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

"You don't have to do this, Theda. There's still time to call everything off. You know that, right?" Mama urges as she watches me straighten my shape wear.

"Mama, please. Not right now."

She frowns and crosses her arms. "I love you, but I think you're stupid for doing this again. Didn't you learn your lesson the first damn time?"

"Things are different this time around. Everything is different."

"But men don't change. Just because he's prince charming right now doesn't mean he's going to stay that way after you say 'I do'."

Grabbing my dress from the hanger I pause and pinch my eyes closed in frustration.

Breathe, Natheda.

"You know you're too damn old to wear any shade of white. Damn sure bet you ain't pure enough to even get away with khaki."

"Mama!" I yelp. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

"Nope. Somebody has got to be here and make sure your ass makes it to the altar on time."

"I thought you were trying to talk me out of getting married again. How does that work if you're helping me make it to the altar on time?"

"If you're dead set on marrying this man and there's no way I can change your mind, then you could at least be punctual."

Mama keeps watching me as I gently shimmy my hips into my ivory wedding dress paying close attention to the delicate lace accents. She scowls harder deepening the creases in her forehead.

I suck my teeth. "Are you just going to glare at me the whole time?"


Turning to face the full length mirror, I pull the shoulders of the dress up my arms. Mama is making me so nervous.

"This is a mistake, Theda. You know it and I know it and so does that man."

Now fully dressed, I soak in my reflection. The butterflies in my stomach go wild.. at least I hope it is butterflies that are making me nauseous and not my gut telling me that this is a bad idea.

Mama grunts disapprovingly. "I forgot to tell you. That boy said to tell you he's ready whenever you are."

"'That boy' is a grown man and his name is Julian. When did he tell you this?"

"Right before I came in here to tell you it's not too late to call this circus off."

My mother will be the death of me.

"Thank you. Will you tell Julian I'll be right out please?"

"Hell no. Tell him your damn self." And with an eyeroll, my mother exits the room making sure to slam the door shut.

I smooth my hands over my waist and hips watching their course in the mirror. I hope this isn't a mistake. I don't want this time to be a mistake.

Time really does change people. We grow and morph into versions of ourselves that are better than who we used to be in most cases. Of course there are the occasional few who only age without ever learning the true meaning of being an adult.

Adults are able to adjust to whatever situation is presented to them and they react accordingly. They live, and they learn.

I was not ready to be anyone's wife at twenty-one years old; I know and accept that now. My reasons for wanting to take that step with Namjoon then were immature as I thought marriage was the way to force Namjoon to change.

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