17 • Temptation

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

Namjoon's statement piques my curiosity. "So, Shaheed knew the depth of the feelings you had for me? Interesting."

"Of course he did. Just because I didn't go screaming it out from the rooftops didn't mean the feelings weren't there."

He stops talking, pressing his lips into a thin line and furrowing his brows. "Sha was one of only two people who really knew my inner thoughts back then."

I don't reply; I don't want to talk about the other person.

"I am positive you are well aware of the only other person besides Shaheed who knew, aren't you Natheda?"

With a light sigh, I confess "I am."

Namjoon is quiet for a moment although his lips shift as he considers our next topic of discussion. I hope he allows this topic to pass.

"Do you keep in touch?"


Here we go.

"No. I haven't talked to Gray since.. many years."

Namjoon notices my hesitation. "I suppose you.." his mouth twitches "..reconnected after you left me."

I really don't want to do this, but technically he asked for it. "Yes. Gray and I dated for a short time after I left."

He crosses and uncrosses his arms, his muscles bulging, his chest puffed out revealing his anger. Clenching his jaw his never a good sign.

"A short time? How long was this 'short time', Natheda?"

"Does it make a difference, Namjoon? It happened and then it was over."

"Were you seeing each other before you walked -ran- out on our marriage?"

I suck my teeth. "You aren't serious with this right now."

"Don't dodge the question. How long did you continue to fuck my ex-best friend after I found out?"

AGE: 19

🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Why are you hating, Lyn? You know it's pretty as fuck," I gloat brushing my fingertips over the petite necklace Namjoon gifted me.

Lyn frowns. "You need to give that shit back, Theda, and dump his shifty ass."

"You always complain that he's not doing enough for me, and then he buys me this beautiful choker and you tell me to give it back! Like, what the fuck is your problem?"

"That ain't something to be proud of, sis."

"And why the fuck not? Honestly?"

Lyn holds her left hand up in front of my face. My eyes focus on the simple diamond engagement ring dangling from her ring finger and not on the pissed off look she's tossing my way behind it.

"This is how a man shows a woman he appreciates and respects her and he wants to build a life with her. Not that bullshit squeezing your fucking neck."

"Oh so because my man didn't propose you think he doesn't see a future for us?"

She cackles. "Have you met his parents yet? What about siblings? Even other friends besides Shaheed and that ho at your house now?"

I can't say anything back because I haven't, and I know Lyn has met all of Mark's family and friends.

"My man introduces me to every-fucking-body as his girlfriend and now his fiancé without me ever having to call his ass out on it once. How many times you called Remi on his bullshit?"

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now