25 • ..Consequences

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

Cautiously closing my apartment door behind me, I lean against the divider bracing myself for the fallout of last night's actions. With the exception of the hum of the air conditioning, the house is completely quiet.

I slowly make my way to my bedroom with a heavy heart believing Jungkook chose to return to his apartment. His presence in my bedroom stuns me to a halt.

He is wearing loose sweatpants with an old tee shirt and his hair is disheveled. My usually cheery dispositioned boyfriend is understandably upset by my all night absence.

His back is to me as he stands at the end of my bed gently placing his clothing into a suitcase. He turns his head just enough for me to make out part of his profile while he speaks.

"Your mom called." Jungkook's tone is flat; there is zero emotion in his words.

"She said Na'im wanted to know when we were coming to pick him up for our usual Sunday outing. I lied and said you drank too much and were still sleeping."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I thought it sounded better than saying you didn't come home last night."

He chews at the corner of his lower lip before continuing. "Do we need to have a talk about us?"

I put both hands behind my lower back and lean against the wall. "Yes," I croak.

He drops his handful of folded shirts into his suitcase. "Okay."

A deep exhale precedes my confession. "The man that I introduced as Remi is actually my ex-husband Namjoon."

"I know. Your, uhm, classmate Gabe told me who he was when we were checking out his Catalina. Gabe said I had to be an extremely trusting man to leave my girlfriend alone with her ex especially with the history the two of you have."

Jungkook sniffs, dropping himself to the end of the bed. He hasn't looked at me yet.

"Did you sleep with him?"

I can hear the heartbreak mixed with hope in his voice.

Hanging my head, I reply with a simple "Yes."

His slow inhale wobbles just as his exhale shakes his entire body. "And you are going back to him now?"

"Jungkook, Nam-"

"Are you dumping me to go back to him? Just a plain yes or no is all I need, Natheda."

"Please let me explain something, Jungkook. I don't deserve your patience or consideration right now, but please just listen to what I have to say."

His eyes wander around the baseboards in the bedroom as he thinks over his decision. Nodding a few times, he says "Okay."

"Thank you. Namjoon and I.. we were each other's first serious relationships. We saw the good parts of each other and how strong love and trust could be, but we also brought out the bad in each other. The hate, the anger that consumed us at our worst created demons that still follow us to this day."

I shuffle my feet a few times as I collect myself. "Last night, Namjoon and I reminisced over the good times we shared and it brought up a lot of emotions I didn't realize I still held on to. The more we talked, it became obvious that he held on to the same feelings that I did."

"So.." Jungkook gulps and tries to calm his breathing "..you are wanting to be with him again?"

"Even though when he and I were good, we were damn good, we still weren't as good as you and me at our worst."

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