04 • Serendipitous Callings

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🎭 Namjoon 🎭

"Will there be anything else, sir?" the young waitress asks lifting her eyes from her order pad to blush at me once again.

I don't miss the inflection in her voice when she says 'anything' and 'sir', the latter seeming as if she wanted to replace it with a more provocative word. Somebody has a daddy kink.

"That will be all," I smile gently as I close my menu. "Thank you, Maya."

Maya damn near combusts. "You are very welcome, sir. I will return shortly with your meal."

Skittering away, Maya beelines for the hostess stand most likely whispering to the other waitresses around about "the DILF at table seven" remembering her name. I guarantee when she returns, she makes a highly inappropriate comment that I will purposely let pass me by.

"Aish! Appa!"

The startled, high pitched voice of a young female redirects my attention to a round booth near a large window at one side of the restaurant. The girl that I assume gasped from embarrassment has her face covered by her small hands, her head angled down to her lap. Waist length, dark brown ringlets provide a bit of cover from the others at her booth as well as other patrons, but only for a moment.

The man at her side reaches over to brush her curls from her face and pry her hands away. Using one long finger, he lifts her chin to look into his eyes offering her a wide boxy smile. Just from the exasperation in her voice earlier, I expect the teen girl to turn her head away; I am surprised when the apples of her cheeks redden more and she smiles a similar boxy grin in return.

They exchange a few words I don't understand and giggle to each other. A tiny face pops up beside the teenager with a pout that is too cute for words.

"What about me, Daddy?" the small girl whines keeping her lips poked out feigning sadness.

"Of course my tiny Violet. You and your sister Lily are Daddy's most favorite girls."

"What about Mommy?" questions another little voice, this time from the man's opposite side. When the man leans back against his seat, I see a young boy who could be the man's tiny mirror image. To his opposite side sits another chunkier boy happily chewing on a french fry. This boy appears to be the same age.

"Mommy is Daddy's main squeeze," the man chuckles glancing across the table with a smirk.

"Oh my goodness! Stop that!" a woman's voice gasps.

The group all giggle as their attention is directed to the woman at the back of the table. She is gorgeous; it becomes obvious where the young girl inherits her features. The woman has the same dark ringlets as her daughter, however they are just past her shoulders. Her skin has a soft glow and her brown eyes twinkle when she too covers her face with both hands. Her blush is cute.

"It is the truth, love. You know I only speak the truth."

She slowly removes her hands to smile lovingly at her husband. "I know, honey."

"Mommy? I gotta pee." The smaller girl called Violet says, wiggling in her seat.

The husband answers for the wife after tossing her a flirty wink. "Lily, sweetheart, take your sister to the restroom so that your mom doesn't have to get up again."

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