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🎭Namjoon 🎭

"I am sorry having my last name upset you so greatly."

"It wasn't the name so much as it was the baggage that came along with it," Theda quips back.

"You have such the sharp tongue, Ms. Turner."

The way she stares into my eyes relays so many unspoken words, so much hidden hurt even so many years later.

"It isn't really me having a sharp tongue, Namjoon. I know my worth now and looking back I am embarrassed at the things I allowed myself to be subjected to all under the guise of love."

She adjusts the opening of her jumpsuit ensuring she doesn't show off more than any of these guests are ready to see. I'm sure Pudge is somewhere wetting himself right now.

"That would imply that you never really felt any real emotion for me whatsoever. Surely that wasn't the case."

"I felt a lot of real things in the few years we were together. Hate, hurt, pain, disgust.. just to name a few. The one I felt most often was stupid."

I slip my hand into the pocket of my slacks. "I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully you have found someone who has never made you feel that way."

"As a matter of fact, I have," she smirks towards the gymnasium entrance.

I frown examining the men huddled there in what appears to be an exciting discussion. Three of them I recognize as classmates, but the forth looks young enough to be someone's son.

He's tall and dressed in all black with dark, shaggy hair covering just the tops of his ears. Even wearing a suit jacket, I can tell he works out most likely on a regular basis to keep his build in top shape.

I suck in my stomach a bit, but immediately stop because it looks unnatural. Also, I feel ridiculous.

Theda can not be serious.

"Any particular reason for the smirk?" I ask hoping I am wrong.

"Yes. Him." She cutely waves to the younger man who makes his way over to join us.

She's joking.

"You're joking, right?"

Theda looks pissed. We start a staring match. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Hey, Theda," the young man says turning our attention to him. "Gabe said-"

"Jungkook, honey, this is.. Remi. Remi, this is my significant other Jungkook."

The young man smiles at me far too happily. He looks like a fucking bunny.

"Nice to meet you, Remi," he says as he offers his hand.

Reluctantly, I take it. He's got a handshake of steel. I make a mental note to have Hoseok renew my gym membership first thing Monday morning.

"Charmed." I sip my drink.

The young man turns Theda resting his left hand at her waist and his right one at her opposite hip. His fingertips lay right against her ass.

Seeing this pisses me off. It shouldn't, but it does. I want to break his fucking hand.

"So, Gabe is up to take me and a few of the other guys for a ride and we're going to swing by his house to look at the other cars he's working on. Is that okay with you?"

How cute. The child has to ask permission.

"Will you be back soon?" Theda sounds nervous, a trait she hasn't shown at all tonight.

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now