27 • Weak Willed

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Lyn doesn't know yet?!" Rinae whisper yells hunkering down close to the table with her jaw agape.

"I haven't seen her since before the reunion," I try to defend myself before she gets too carried away.

She sits straight up in her chair. "But you have talked to her on the phone, right?"

My shoulders drop. "Yes."

"And what prevented you from telling her that you and Mister Fine-Young-Thang are-" Nae uses air quotes "-taking a break?"

I roll my eyes. "Lyn gets too excitable about shit, Nae. You know that as well as I do, and right now the last thing I need on top of this whole Jungkook situation is Lyn's drama."

"But you're going to tell her today, right? Because my will is weak when it comes to keeping secrets from either of you. Plus, Lyn is scary as hell when she is left out of the group chat."

"I am going to try to tell her today, yes. Depends on what kind of mood she's in."

Nae nods giving me a thumbs up. "Good idea."

"How are you and your man doing?"

"Tavion and I are doing really, really good," Nae answers as she toys with her lunch napkin. Her eyes follow her finger's movements. "We are fabulous actually."

"Rinae? Look at me please."

Nae shakes her head. "Uh-uh."

"Girl! Look into my eyes and tell me the truth!"

Nae reluctantly peers through her long lashes at me. Her lips fight a smirk of giddiness.

"Just tell me!"

"Tavion is actively looking to buy a home.." her mouth loses the struggle and a wide smile spreads from ear to ear "..with me."

"Oh my god! Girl! Congratulations!" I outstretch my arm to squeeze her hand. "Things are really serious between the two of you then? Do I hear wedding bells?"

Nae sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes. "Oh, no. We are not that deep, but cohabitation is is doable."

"I mean, it's only a matter of time before he pops the question. There's nothing wrong with marriage."

"Says the woman who ran away from hers," Nae replies quicker than she has time to think about what she says. Her lips fold into her mouth immediately after.

"Wooow," is all I can muster as I sit back in my chair and pull my arm away from my friend.

"I'm sorry, Theda. I didn't mean that to come out the way it did. I just meant-"

"No, I get it," I say waving off her statement. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Please don't be angry at me because I made a stupid comment. It's just that I am no where near ready for marriage and it's not something I want to jump in to right now. Tavion and I have been seeing each other for three years and we only just met each other's families recently."

"Rinae, I said it's fine. You don't have to explain. I'm good. We're good. I promise." I quickly take a sip of my iced coffee to divert my attention elsewhere.

"Hello my beautiful sisters!" Lyn joyously sings as she approaches her chair. She places one small, red gift bag in front of me and one in front of Rinae with a girlish giggle.

"What's this?" Rinae asks as she peeps into the red tissue paper in her bag.

"Mark and I took a mini vacation. More like a stay-cation type of thing because we never made it out of bed, but anyway.. We decided for the twenty-five year anniversary of the day we became official, we are going to invite our two closest friends and their significant others on a three day, four night getaway to the mountains!"

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