09 • No Going Back

327 35 22

🎭 Namjoon 🎭

It's like that one overly dramatic, super slowed-down scene in a movie. My stare wafts across the filled room, bouncing over every adult laughing and talking until the crowd parts and I find the woman I am looking for.

I will always know Theda when I see her. Her shape is still absolutely stunning and especially so in the black and white belted jumpsuit she is wearing tonight. The slinky material clings to her curves accentuating all of her best features.

So far, my view has only been from the back. Not that I am complaining about my current view, but I am interested in seeing how kind the past two decades have been to her facial features.

As if she can hear my thoughts, Theda turns slightly to the side eliciting a rude "Shheee-iiiit!" from my companion. The top few buttons of her jumpsuit are undone revealing mouth-watering cleavage.

Theda turns once again facing my direction to talk to yet another school friend who only just realizes she has arrived. Her smile is still big and beautiful, the same way I always wanted to remember her.

Her shoulder-length hair is parted at one side and curled offering a youthful appearance she doesn't have to work hard to pull off. Flawless, light makeup makes her smooth skin glow under the fluorescents..

..and her lips are just as plump and juicy as I remember.

"Eat her ass like ass was going out of style, I tell ya."

I'd nearly forgotten Pudge was standing beside me.

"Jesus! How did you fuck up and lose that? I would have been her damn slave! Holy fucknuts!"

"Mutual agreement." I take another sip of my drink without any further explanation.

I observe Theda with our classmates for a few minutes before her eyes drift over someone's shoulder and find me watching. Her words slow; her smile gradually fades the longer she stares.

"You going to go over there and say hello?" Pudge asks with a bit too much excitement in his voice.

"No. She knows where I am if she wants to talk."

I feel Pudge glare at me. It is the only time I remove my eyes from Theda.

"You sure the two of you splitting was a 'mutual agreement' cause I feel like it was more of you not- holy shit she's coming this way!"

Returning my sight to where Theda once stood, I notice she is indeed headed in my direction. We're back to movie theatrics again; the gentle sway of her round hips coincides with the delicate bounce of her full breasts as she walks.

"I am going to fucking ruin my wife's pussy, ass, and mouth tonight!" Pudge nearly moans under his breath.

"Can you please contain yourself, Pudge? You're acting like a hormone-crazed teenager."

"I can tell you're definitely still single. I bet you get laid all of the time. Us married men only get it on special occasions."

Theda breezes to a stop in front of me. The air that follows carries a sweet aroma almost like candy.

"Hello, Namjoon."

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now