18 • Revelations

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

"I refuse to get into a discussion with you about something that ended twenty years ago."

Namjoon quirks a brow at me. "Is that so? Because, correct me if I'm wrong and I'm sure you will, weren't you the one with the weight of a two decade old chip on your shoulder when you approached me first?"

Sneering at him, I cross my arms under my breasts and look off into the gymnasium. "I can just as easily walk away."

"Or you could clarify the situation for me now that things are legitimately over between you and Gray. I am very curious to know the truth."

I poke the inside of my cheek with my tongue as I glare at my ex-husband. He doesn't deserve an explanation for anything I did when we were together since I never received one for any of the fucked up shit he put me through at any point of our relationship.

I decide to humor him. See how far he wants to take this topic. In return, I'm going to get him to open up about something I never really got an answer for.

"Fine. What do you want to know?"

He genuinely looks surprised. "Okay. How many times did you have sex with Gray while we were together?"

"Three." Point blank. No extra information.

Namjoon nods, considering my answer and his follow-up question. "When I caught you in the shower, was that the third?"


His jaw clenches. "The second?"


Eyes widened, his mouth hangs in shock. He shifts uncomfortably looking around to our former classmates as he processes this revelation.

"So even after I caught you going down on my then best friend, and you swore to me it was a one time thing, you still had sex with her not once but twice more? Is that correct, Natheda?"


He tries to hold composure, but I can see it wavering. Why would old information upset him like this?

"Did you consider leaving me for her?"

I gulp at this unexpected question. "The thought had crossed my mind, yes."

"But you stayed and continued to cheat," he softly speaks as he nods to himself.


"Why did you stay with me if you wanted to be with Gray?"

"Gray and I started with lust and never really formed into anything more. I mean, she was there when you decided you didn't want to be and I shared most of my free time with her. In the end, I chose you over her because.." I hesitate.


Swallowing my pride, I admit something to Namjoon that I never thought I would have to repeat.

"Because I was so deeply in love with you, I couldn't picture the rest of my life without you in it."

I hear his voice crack. "I see."

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now