20 • His or Hers?

244 22 20

🎭 Natheda 🎭

The heartbreak Namjoon attempts to hide on his face and in his voice bleeds through his demeanor.

"How old is he, if you don't mind me asking."

"Not at all. I love talking about my son. He turns ten this year. We have planned a trip to the mountains to celebrate."

"Na'im is a beautiful name. He is a very lucky young man to have you as his mother."

"No, I am the lucky one. Na'im is an amazing child. He's so happy-go-lucky and friendly. He is quite the social butterfly. Everyone loves him especially.."

My words taper off and I look down, clearing my throat and adjusting the collar of my jumpsuit.

Noticing the fade of my voice, Namjoon eyes me curiously. "Were you going to mention the other young man in your life?"

"The grown man in my life is named Jungkook, and yes I was going to mention him."

"What stopped you?"

"Nothing stopped me. I just paused. I wasn't done speaking before you interrupted me."

"I see," he smirks. "So, based purely on mathematics, I assume this Jungkook person isn't your son's father -at least I hope not. Are you still in contact with his biological father?"

Mizael's image returns to my mind as much as I wish it wouldn't. Na'im only favors his father slightly as he has Mizael's thick curls, green eyes, and tan skin tone. All of his other features are mine, from the shape of his eyes to his button nose and full mouth.

I am SO thankful for that.

"He's dead," I drop the simple explanation I have given to everyone who ever asked about Mizael. It is a lie, but it is the easiest way to avoid further questions into my private business.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Did your son know him before his passing?"

Of course Namjoon would ask more questions.

"He died when I was pregnant."


Namjoon reaches out to fix my rogue curl yet again. "I wish things had been different between us, Theda. Maybe Na'im could have been-"

"Don't you dare finish that thought, Namjoon. Don't you utter another word if it involves you and I sharing my son. We both know thanks to our actions, I was never supposed to have gotten pregnant anyway."

AGE 21

🎭 Natheda 🎭

"I'll step out so that you can get dressed. When I come back, we'll talk."

I watch the doctor as she offers a polite smile before exiting the room. Once I am alone, I break down in tears.

I feel so fucking stupid. Why did I ever think that things would finally start to go right after marrying Namjoon's dumb ass?

This is what I get though. I deserve every fucking thing that comes to me for wanting to spend the rest of my life with a man who can't get his shit together.

Standing from the exam table, I grab my panties from the chair in the corner of the room and tug them up my legs. It takes triple the effort to replace my clothing as it did to remove it; I no longer have the strength I did when I arrived.

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now