31 • For The Better

225 24 12

🎭 Natheda 🎭

"Oh! Hey, uhm, Theda," Mark greets me at the front door of his and Lyn's house looking nervous as shit. He peeps over his shoulder twice as he speaks.

"Hi, Mark. Is Lyn home?" I ask. I know that she is because I saw the front end of her car through the open garage door where Mark parks his SUV.

"Uhm, no. She went out with Rinae earlier."

My brows lower. I literally just got off the phone with Nae when I pulled into Lyn's driveway. Nae actually hung up on me because Tavion wanted some booty and he started touching her in ways that made her make sounds I never thought I would hear.

"Is that so?"

He peeps over his shoulder again. "Yeah."

"I see. Well, you wouldn't happen to know when Lyn will be back home, would you?"

Mark swallows and his eyes waver. "I don't.. I'm not sure. She didn't specify a time really."

He shifts his weight and I see over his shoulder. I am able to make out Lyn's reflection in a mirror hung on a nearby wall. She's standing behind the fucking door feeding her husband lies to tell me.

"Oh. Okay," I play along even though I'm not believing anything he says. "Well, can you tell her I wanted to ask her to be my maid of honor at my and Jungkook's wedding."

Mark opens his mouth to reply, but he is startled by Lyn's scream as she yanks the door from his hand. Lyn shoves her husband to the side with the happiest face I've seen on her in a long time.

"Bitch, what?!" Lyn squalls.

I frown at her wordlessly and cross my arms.

It takes a few moments for her to catch on, but when she does her face returns to normal pissivity levels.

"You're seriously going to lie about something like that, Theda?"

"How else am I supposed to talk to you? You won't answer my calls."

"Can I go now cause-" Mark murmurs to Lyn. She shushes him and dismisses him by waving her hand in front of his face.

He backs away slowly tossing me a kind of 'sorry' wave and apologetic grin before disappearing into the living room.

Lyn frowns at me. "What do you want?"

"I want my best friend back is what I want. I miss you."

"Uh-uh. Nah, see, I'm done going along for the ride with whatever nonsense you allow your ex to put you through, Theda. It's draining and it's stupid and I'm too damn old to do it again."

"I'm sorry you even went through it to begin with. I guess I was too wrapped up in my own relationship to realize that all of my and Namjoon's stupidity and pettiness affected my friendship with you, too. It was wrong and selfish of me to not see that you were hurting for me. I'm sorry, Lyn."

Twisting her mouth from side to side, Lyn avoids eye contact with me. She glances at the trees, the porch railing, and the driveway before finally meeting my stare.

"Can you forgive me for being an absurdly flawed friend?"

"I guess." She puts her hands on her hips. "I figured you would come by today, too."


"Your ex-husband stopped by this morning. Definitely not the first person I wanted to knock on my door today, but it is what it is."

Lyn steps outside and closes the door behind her. She takes a seat in one of the plush chairs on her large porch.

I sit down in the seat next to her. "Namjoon came to see you? Why?"

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