24 • Truth And..

290 30 42

🎭 Natheda 🎭

I am old enough to know better.

I watch Namjoon wordlessly open his hotel room door and step to the side to allow me entrance. His lids lowered, the dragon welcomes me into his lair.

I can feel his eyes over every inch of my body as I take a few steps into the room. The luxurious design of the interior doesn't surprise me as this older Namjoon seems to revel in heightened comfort.

I get right down to business. "What is this 'long forgotten item' you are so adamant I pick up?"

He nods somewhat sadly. "Right to it then."

Spinning on his heels, he heads towards the dressing area. When he disappears, I turn to examine the fancy room further. My eyes get caught on something purple standing out against the white duvet spread over the mattress.

I walk closer and find that it is a designer suit. The material feels spectacular; I flip the cuff of one jacket sleeve between my fingers as I chuckle softly to myself.

Namjoon's large ass will look like Barney in this thing.

"Oh, no! Don't look at that please."

Namjoon has reentered the room behind me. I peer over my shoulder at him.

"Bold choice. I never figured you liked bright colors."

He scratches the top of his head with one finger. "I do not. That was all my assistant Hoseok's doing."

As I keep looking and touching the suit, he adds "Th-the sizing is off, too, so never mind the labels."

Sounds like someone has gained middle-age weight.

Lifting the jacket with both hands, I turn to Namjoon. "Try it on. I want to see how it looks on you."

He holds up one hand. "Ha! Negative on that. I refuse to be seen in that monstrosity in this lifetime."

"Come on. It's just a jacket. What's it going to hurt if only the two of us know?"

Namjoon clenches his jaw and considers me quietly for a moment. I toss him a soft smile to tip him over the edge.

It works.

"Fine. But you don't speak a word of this to anyone, Theda."

He takes a couple of steps closer to remove the jacket from my hands, and it is hard to ignore the skipped heartbeat when our fingers brush against each other. I nervously clear my throat.

His gaze stays locked on me as he tugs on the jacket. He also leaves his lips slightly parted and I swear I see the upper raise fighting a smirk.

Resting on his shoulders, the jacket shows how big Namjoon's body actually has become. Big and broad in all of the good ways. My brows jump with interest.

"There. Now, you've seen it so I'm going to take it off."

"You're not wearing it properly."

He grabs both lapels in his hands. "How so?"

I close the gap between us to button the jacket. Namjoon's body heat radiates against my own warming, and now quivering core. Plus, he still smells so fucking good.

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now