32 • Damaged Goods

243 28 10

🎭 Natheda 🎭

"What about this Sunday, Mom?" Na'im questions, his wide green eyes peering pitifully up at me.

"Honey, I don't know. I told you Jungkook has been very busy with work and such so he may not be able to make it for a while."

Na'im pouts at his pancakes. "Does he not like me any more?"

"No, baby! You are one of Jungkook's most favorite people! Don't ever think that he doesn't like you."

"He might not like me anymore, Mom. I said something the last time he was here and I think it might have upset him even though he said it didn't."

I curiously squint at Na'im. "What did you say to him?"

"I told him I wished that you and him would be together forever and the three of us would move in to a house by the beach."

"And what did he say?"

He twists his mouth side to side a few times in thought. "I dunno if I'm supposed to tell you."

"Na'im, you know you're not supposed to keep secrets from me."

"But that's only for bad secrets. This is a good one I promise."

"Na'im Marshaun Turner.." I put on my stern mom face.

"Okay!" He waves his arms in a panic. "You don't have to use my whole name! It's scary! Just.. please don't let Jungkookie know I told you."

We pinky promise and seal it with a kiss on our thumbs. Na'im sighs and leans closer to me.

"Jungkookie said if I was okay with it, he was going to marry you, Mom. He said he wants to do exactly what I said except.."

He pauses and chews at his bottom lip. "He said the next part was for me and you to talk about after he married you."

This makes me nervous. "What is it?"

"He said that he wants to adopt me.." he hesitates. "I asked if I could then call him Dad instead of Jungkookie. He said he would love that, but that me and you had to talk it over first. I really want him as my dad, Mom. Please make him come back."

Tears form in my eyes and my lower lip quivers. Not only did that one night ruin a beautiful relationship, it also ruined the relationship Jungkook had built with my son.

"Oh, my baby," I whimper as my tears finally fall.

Na'im hangs his head again. "Can we go back to Nana's now? I'm not really hungry anymore."

I wipe my tears away. "Yeah. Just let me use the restroom first, okay?"

He nods and I excuse myself to use the ladies' room. I barely make it to the paper towel dispenser before I am crying again, a gut-wrenching heartbreak kind of sob.

I have fucked up. I have fucked up so bad and now I have hurt my son. How am I supposed to tell him Jungkook isn't coming back?

My phone vibrates in my cardigan pocket. Fighting with the material while sniffling and wiping my nose is a task on its own that only aggravates me further.

The 80/20 Rule // knj [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now