30 • Matters Of The Heart

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🎭 Natheda 🎭

"You couldn't look any more like your father if you tried," I say through a saddened smile as I am encased in Julian's muscled arms.

Julian holds me tighter, his face buried in the hair at the side of my head. I hear a tiny sniffle followed by another against my ear.

"Jules? Are you okay?" I ask with watery eyes.

"I never thought I would hold you again, Mama T," he sobs. "You don't know how much I have missed you."

I can't hold back my own tears of happiness. "I missed you too, sweetheart."

When Julian collects himself somewhat, he stands and wipes at his eyes with an embarrassed chuckle. He sniffs and hangs his head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think I would burst into tears. You probably think I'm being ridiculous."

"Not at all. I cried too, you know."

"Let's sit and grab a bite to eat. We have many years to catch up on, Mama." Julian says and walks me over to a corner booth in a less crowded section of the restaurant where we chose to meet.

Just as tall and equally as handsome as his father, Julian could be Namjoon's twin with the exception of his hazel eyes. Julian also shares the same build as his father but on a smaller scale. Where Namjoon is big bodied, Julian appears slender with muscles.

Julian smiles and his dimples take center stage. "I'm so glad you called."

"I wasn't sure if it was you on the phone. You sound like such a grown man," I pause and scrunch my nose. "I mean not that you are a child or anything, but you were my little baby the last time I talked to you. Your voice hadn't changed yet."

"Yeah, well puberty hit and my voice dropped like Dad's. He still refuses to acknowledge that my voice is just as deep as his."

I chuckle. "Sounds about right. Your dad was always stubborn."

The waitress comes by our table and Julian and I place our orders. I don't miss the way she stares at me as if I am some cradle robber until she hears the word 'Mama' fall from Julian's mouth. After that, her face does a quick turnaround and all is well in her head again.

She would probably lose her shit if she saw Jungkook and me together..

..if Jungkook and I were still together.

"So how's life been treating you?" Julian asks as he sips his water.

"Can't complain," I smile. "Work is good. I am currently on the path to be able to retire and live life comfortably by the time I am fifty-five. That is ten years younger than average so I'm okay with that."

"I've read about your accomplishments. I think it's really great all of the amazing things you've done, Mama. I am really and truly proud of you."

"Thank you, Jules. It means a lot coming from you. Tell me, how have you been? Your father told me that you have a young lady in your life."

He blushes slightly and fights a grin. "Naeli. She's absolutely amazing. You have to meet her sometime. She's a fan of yours."

"It would be my pleasure." I smile. "Your dad also said you were going to propose soon. Have you done that yet?"

His smile widens. "I did actually. I took her to the beach and proposed the night before we left. She said yes."

"Congratulations, Jules!" I reach across the table and take his hands in mine. "That's wonderful news! I'm sure your mom and dad are proud."

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