Chapter Eighteen= Unexpected Guests

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Lilly's P.O.V

I decided to change. I mean, I smelled like a vamp. I quickly ran to my closet and grabbed a long sleeve, off-the-shoulder grey shirt, with black skinny jeans and pulled my hair up, letting my bangs fall. I dashed to my mirror and looked at myself. I looked how any messed up teenager would. I mean, people judge you if you look the tiniest bit different. I have blue hair. To protect my secret ofcorse, but people don't know that. They assume that I had family problems, which I did. That's why I had a cartridge piercing, but I took out the earring and let it grow over. Seth would flip if he saw it. That would be dangerously bad.

My alarm went off, and I jumped, not expecting that it would let me know when to leave. CRAP! I have to be there now! I grabbed my black ballet flats and opened my window. I made sure no one was watching, and then I jumped out of my window. I didn't care that my window was open, because its not like we have a ladder to let them come up. And plus, my room is locked from the outside.

I started to run but my jeans were constricting me. I growled and ran faster, and made it there about the same time as someone else. I didn't sweat, but I was breathing hard. Man, I'm fat. I frowned. I put on my shoes, and started to walk to the campfire. I sniffed the air. It smelled like the pack, kind of obvious, Sue, Billy, hotdogs, drinks, hamburgers, and the sea.

I heard someone walk awkwardly behind me with someone with relaxed footsteps. Seth must have smelled me because he ran to me and gave me a hug. I laughed and smiled as I hugged back. He spun me around, and I squealed. Seth must be in a good mood.

"Lilly!! You're here! But late. But that's cool. Jake's late too." Seth said, finally looking me in the eyes. I smiled a genuine smile and looked at Seth. But instead of his eyes being focused on me, they were focused on the people behind me. I looked around,confused. Nobody steals Seth and me time. No one.

My confusion was quickly replaced by hurt and anger. Bella was with Jake. And jake hadn't even said a word to me. I almost felt like crying while punching the crap out of the two of them, but that wouldn't go as planned.

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