Chapter 35 ~ Part Two

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Lily's POV

I lost track of time as I laid in the snow. The scene replayed in my mind, making ice grow around my heart, and hot jealousy and anger course through my veins. All I could think about was how that repulsive girl got to touch the one I love.

If she can touch him, as awful as she can be, how low does that make myself? How could he love someone who can't even decide who she loves, when the one he imprinted on is waiting for him to open his eyes. Why is he fighting his feelings for me?

Am I really that awful?

Tears leaked out of my eyes, seeping into the already wet ground. Shivering because of that cold, I realized I was no longer a panther, but a sad and pathetic human being. Even though laying there and crying seemed like a marvelous idea, I shifted back after a few minutes, and slowly shuffled to my tent. I laid inside my tent, sad and in pain, until a new smell rose to my nose.

A new vampire was here. The one Edward warned me about. She was deadly, and Edward told me to go down to the fight if she was here. Part of me wants to listen to what will happen, but I know they will surely kill me if I stay.

If she kills Bella, that'll be one thing I don't have to worry about doing anymore.

Chuckling at that thought, I raced out of my tent, and ran down to the fight. Even from miles away I can hear the snarls and crunching of vampire skin. Hopefully it wasn't the Cullens, but I trusted that they were doing fine.

Even crazy blood sucking monsters seem better company than on top of a mountain where my heart was shattered.

Nearing towards the clearing, I knew that I had to kill a newborn before the wolves saw me. They had to know I wasn't fighting against them, but for them.

Seeing a strawberry blonde chiseled vampire speed towards the turned back of Embry made me race even faster towards the clearing.

I leaped from the woods and landed on the new born, tearing it's head off its shoulders, and chucking it away. My claws dug into the ice chest of the newborn, and shards of the body flew off. Looking around, I saw werewolves kill newborns and the Cullens work together to protect their family.

Quickly seeing another new born, I killed it, and realized there isn't a lot of vampires left, other than the Cullens.

Suddenly, I felt jaws clamp against my body, forcing my ribs to crack and my skin to puncture and bleed. I don't remember screaming, but I heard the wails exit my panthers mouth. Writhing, I tried to leave the wolfs mouth, but it just made it clamp down harder.

Feeling the release of the sharp teeth was a wonderful feeling, but seeing a large tree come into view made my world go black.

Luna's POV

My sister and I had been watching the fight in the trees. We didn't want to come down because of the wolves, but we couldn't resist looking at the fight between two worlds.

The newborns have been losing extremely fast. What even made them think they could win? Five werewolves and clan of old vampires with extreme powers is enough to make anyone leave. At least, anyone who is smart.

It was close to the end when blur of black fur raced into battle field.


What is she doing? Trying to get herself killed!!

My sister, Calypso, screamed in my head, and I quickly told her to be quiet.

We watch the scene with anticipation, and the wolves seemed to not notice her, until she waited too long.

A large black wolf clamped his jaws around Lily's waist, and my heart leaped into my throat. Her agonizing roar filled the still morning air, and Calypso and I got ready to intervene.

The wolf threw Lily thirty  yards towards the forest, and a crack filled the air.

Not only was the body of Lily's panther bleeding and broken, but the tree she was flung into cracked under the force of the throw.

Jumping, my sister and I reached Lily, and stood in front of her, protecting her body from the vicious wolves.

They call themselves her friend, when they have just about killed her.

I snarled at the up coming wolves and vampires, and talk to my sister, who appears just as angry towards them. The old vampires, realizing that all the other newborns were dead, raced over to Lily's body.

The wolves shifted, and started to argue with the leeches, telling us and them that they have to kill "the panthers".

Hearing whimpers from behind, I turned to notice Lily's body switch from panther to human, and my heart broke. Bones were sticking out and blood was everywhere on her body, she was barely breathing.

Turning my head back to wolves, I noticed all the shock that passed through them.

The panther they all hated was Lily, and they have just about killed her.


That's all.

No more story, not a sequel.

If you guys want to write an alternative ending let me know in private messaging :)

Thank you for sticking through my awful writing and everything.

The reason why there are chapters with Luna and Calypso is so you get to meet them before they show up to help Lily. That was their whole purpose in this story.

I had been planing since the beginning to end this story here, and not to write a sequel :)

I'm just that awful, lol

I might do a competition on my favorite alternate ending, but that depends on
1) how many people do it
2) if you guys want to do it

You've been amazing, and I'm kinda sad this story is over :(

Signing off of this story forever,

Less than three,

Gabriella :)

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