Chapter Six= A day before the moon.

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 I snifflied as i waited for Seth to answer. My car broke down twenty miles out of town. I just got a ' i'm sorry' gift for Seth, but my oh so faithful car, had to stop when it was pouring. i was sitting on the back of my car, when seth answered." Hello?" seth's voice rang out. " Hi seth." i said quietly. " Lilly!! Are you okay?" " Um yeah. Can you pick me up?" I asked him. " Where are you? What happend?" " Im about twenty miles out of town." i whispered. Lighting struck and i flinched. " What are you doing out of town!! I'll be there in ten." Please hurry. I was... Um, shopping." i said. I wasn't lieing, but i saw a wolf watching me. I blinked fast, and i felt myself tense. " okay. i'll be there soon." He hung up, and he sounded mad, like he thought i was lieing. I was going to go to the bonfire tonight. It wasn't that risky, mostly because Edward had trained me to keep my cool, but i would have to go and smeel the sea water, for like after an hour or so. Lightning flashed and i saw a wolf that saved me from that freaking vampire. It wqas increadibly large, and it was aburn red. I fell in love with it, but then i reliazed that this was Jake. Darn it. I was trying to forget Jake, but it was eating away my heart. I wanted to go hug him, t ell him that i'm his, and he's mine, and that he can never leave me. i Looked away and looked into the back of my truck. I had my black hoodie covering my darker blue hair, my only make up, which was masscara, was running down my face, my face was very pale from the cold, my purple ' eat me' shirt was sticking to my body, my dark blue skinny jeans looked entirly black, and my feet were freezing in my converse because i had desided that i wouldn't where socks today. my nose, eyes, and lips were bright pink, xcept my lips, they had a hint of blue in them. I would've been in my car, but my windows were down when i broke down so it was also soaked. i ran in my car, and put my phone in the safty pocket. it blocked the rain when closed, so my purse was in there, with the wolf clock i got seth,  as well as my phone. I shiverd as i sat next to my tire. i heard Jake sigh and he layed down in the woods, and he chose the spot where i would have to face him. i sighed and patted the spot next to me. He looked happy, but then i remebered that i don't know who he is so when he stepped out in the remainig light, i had to fake gasp. He looked taken back and then he remebered how big he was. He hung his head and started to turn his back.  My wanting self called out to him. " W- Wait! Come back here, please." I mentally cursed, but counldn't denigh the fact that wanted. No, needed his presanse. He jogged over here and sat next me. He looked so sweet as a wolf as he starred at me, scooting closer so he could warm me. I gladly accepted and shivered 'cause it was different from what i was feeling only seconds ago. I smiled and lyed my head on his fur. It was so soft, and dirty..... And it smelled of wet dog, and i probobly had fleas in my hair.But i didn't care. I smiled and let Jake's warmth flood through me. i heard a door slam and someones pounding feet. i felt warm arms tear me from my warmth zone.. " Don't you ever come near Lilly!! You have no right!!" Seth screamed. He started shaking really bad and i got scared. I was thrown down by Seth and jumped over me landing in front of Jacob. " Don't you even near her ever again." He snarled at Jake. He turned his back and started to walk to me, when you could see the anger boil in his eyes and he lept and Seth. I screamed and Seth quickly reacted. He turned but not before his back claw scrape against my face. I screamed again, but more of a hurt scream. I knewi couldn't outrun them in human form but i had to leave before it was my turn to flip out. I held my eye and ran off to the woods. I knew the way to the CUlluns so i quickly headed to them. I heard two howls and the boys fighting. I countinued to run and then i reached the treaty line. the rest of the pack obviously felt the boys fighting and were running towards them. I ran fourty miles with a bleeding face. Impressed? Don't care. i screamed in my head telling edward to get his but here. Alice must haave seen me so the edward was there, and he understood. Edward lfted me bridal style and vampire speed off to his house. I was rushed in side, and turns out Carlisle had everything set up. He instently removed my hand with a wet cloth and i hissed in pain. I checked my hand and it had blood covering it. I held back throw-up as I closed my eyes.

TWENTY MINUTES LATER.....................

I had gauzes covering my left eye, and i couldn't see out of it. So far, everyone, in the house, was restraining from tearing Seth and Jake apart. Edward has gotten so far eight calls from Jake, and everyone else. I sneezed and i whimperd in pain. The scratch went from the tip of my eyebrowl, to reach the middle of my ear, but it was a jagged line, having it look like a line when a person was angry and was trying to draw a straight line. I sniffled and blink. I was starring at my hands, trying to forget what just happend. I had to let the scar stay, but it looked so ugly. Well i guess no hair cuts soon. I sighed and Esme put a loving hand on my shoulder.  I smiled and leaned back on the pillow that was behind my back/ My ears perked up as i heard a soft landing on our, er i mean their, side of the treaty line. I got up and ran to the window. I focused my vision, and saw Jake and Sam carefully walking onto the lands. I stiffind, and hid behind Emmet. " What the-." He began, but he caught the sceant. " Whoa LiLi. How did you know they got on our land?" Emmet asked. " Doesn't matter. What does is HIDE ME!!" I said back. He nodded and shoved me in a broom closet, thaconvenietly had all the Cullun's sceants on them, which was winter coats, so i could hide without being smelled. I heard a couple of growls, and i smelled the sceant i smell whenever i get home. The sceant i smell all the time, which would be, Seth.


 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Some shoop is about to go down!! i just wanted an authors note because i felt like it! Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy wwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy...... Just wanted to say a couple of things.....


TWO: Read my other story, if you please, called Can We Sit Here? A Maradurs story

THREE: Check out these people






and many more! Just check out my fanning list!

I love yall for making my day for adding this story to your libraies!Gotta hit the hay! Night!

Less than three,

                TIRED CookieMonster203203

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