Chapter Nine=New Ones!!

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Hello Cookies!!! Whats up?? ! Any who! My birthday was Wednes day, THE TWENTY NINETH!!! YAY!!! On with the story, Oh the winner for the song is.....................

DRAMATIC DRUM ROLL.........................................................................................................................................

IS cheater1_0_1 yay! Dedication!! ON WITH THE SHORT CHAPTER!!


Lilly's P.O.V.

I hate the slimy little butt. She slapped me in the face!! I was walking towards the cafe in Forks when she stopped me. She was all like, " Stay away from Jacob you little -enter curse word here-.' and when i told her off, she slapped me in the face. Then i kneed her in the stomach for slapping me, and stormed off. I wanted to punch the heck out of her, but her dad was a cop. I cracked my knuckles as i walked into town. Tiny shops passed by, but one caught my eye. It was a little coffe shop, but what really intrigued me, is who was sitting at a table. It was like looking in a mirror, but TWO mirrors. One was wearing all black that suited her well. Her red highlights in her hair mixed perfectly with the black leather jacket, skinnies, converse, tank top, and a black beanie covering her head, wit her hair running down her back. The other one was wearing almost the same thing, but with a dark purple tank top and white beanie, her hair, I think, it a bun underneath her beanie. The one that wearing purple tensed and looked around, and she stopped at the cashier. He was looking flirtiously at them, like almost checking them out. She glared at him and stood up, clenching her fists, but the one in black gave her a warning look, putting her hand on the purple ones wrist. The one sofened, and sat back down, but not before glaring the heck out of cashier. I walked in, and ordered a diet cappinccinoe and payed 1.50 for it, and sat down, near the girls, and drank it. " Sooooo, hi!" the girl in purple says. " Hi!" I sweetly say. " Hello I'm Calypso! This is Luna!" the girl in black waved. " So, you wanna tell us your name or what?" Luna asked in a sort of demanding way. " Yeah, I'm Lilly!!" " Sweet! Let's be friends!" Calypso says. I smiled and nodded. And we started talking, there are FUNNY!!


Told you it was short ;)

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