Chapter Eight= Lies? Or the Truth?

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HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I"M PLANNING ON POSTING THIS AFTER CHAPTER SEVEN SO BEAR WITH THE UPLOADS!!!!!! School starts Monday ( currently Sunday as far as my knowledge goes) so blah. 

Well i'll stop my rambeling, here's the chapter!


Seth's P.O.V.

I saw Lilly climb up a tree and i acted like i was running away with the guys, except i stayed back and watched lilly. She put a hand covering her mouth, obviously in pain. i watched in wiggle around, her gaze fixed on the moon. He once blue hair was black, and i watched grow to cover her back. then, a woman's worst nightmar, black hair erupted from her legs and arms, The gause covering the scar i made, fell down, soaked in blood. she removed her hand and it turn into a black paw, then her face turned into a shape a cat's would, and then black hair srouted from her face. At first i thought she was wolf-man, but then her clothes shredded and she had a tail. OH MY GOSH! Lilly was the panther, so we attacked her, not the panther, which meant she was leaving to proct us, but we were hurting her, thats where hewr cold feelings came, but then she new it was us, but - STOP! She coming down! HIDE! I ran into some bushes and Lilly looked around. I shifted from one foot to another when a twig snaped from under my foot. I came out slowl and she looked surprized, worried, and most of all scared. I bent down and hugged her. " Lilly!" i whispered. She tensed undernieth me and i klet go. " You're the panther?" I she flickerd her head towards the sky indicating yes. I heard Paul and Jake and so did she. she backed away and hid in the bushes. She didn't want us to know, so i hid her shredded clothes underneith some leaves. I sat down, and they cam e into view. " Seth, did you find her." asked Jake. I went to a sad face and replied no. " We are going to head home. I'm going to give a piece of mind when she gets home. You coming?" Paul said and asked. I shooke my head no and satrred into space. They left and Lilly slowly crepted. " How long have you been a panther?" i asked her. she glared at me and walked in a circle. Oh thats right she cant speak. " Sorry" i innocently. " In the morning!" She nodded and started to walk off. I got up and followed her. She stoped and sat down. I stopped and stood beside her. She looked up at me and just stared. " Starring rude you know." She shrugged and motioned her paw from me to stay still. I gave her confused look, but she climb up a tree. I wtached her as she became almost invisable. She crouched low, and got into... Pouncing stance? I backed up and watched her in worry. What is going to attack? Me? Lilly leaped, having her claws stuck out, scaring the shoop out of me. She caught something in her mouth and landed gracefully on the ground. What surprised me, was that this tree was TEN feet tall!!! She put her prey down and i was a crow. She dug a hole in the ground and put the crow there, then covered it up.

She left and started to head to the pond that Human Lilly found. She lepted over the pond, and she looked so happy. I watched her reflection fly across the surface, disappearing when she landed in the cave. If a cat could smirk, she was by looking at my face. I stepped around the pond and sat next to her in the cave. We just sat in silence, well i did, she was purring as i peting her. The moon looked so pretty as it sat in the sky. Billions stars lit up the sky, almost matching Lilly's eyes. There wasn't any way clouds in the sky, and the water lillys floated across the water. crickets were in harmony, making a short and simple song. there was a simple breeze, and Lilly stopped purring. She shot up and looked around. Her white dagger teeth showed and she stepped a foot out. Sam stepped out and told me to get away from the panther. Lilly roared and stood protectivly in front of me. She gave me longing look and ran off to the woods. Paul and Jared ran off to chase her.

SETH! Why were you sitting with that animal? Sam's voice rang out in my head.

" She didn't see me as threat, so she didn't attack me." i lied.

Love Me But Don't Hurt Me. (Seth Clearwater/OC/Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now