Chapter Twelve= Whats Goin On??

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Luna's P.O.V.

" GET UP!!" I heard Calpso yell. I flipped over and ignored the light. " Come On!!" Calypso nagged. " I'll carry you on my back if you can get up." I groaned loudy and sat up in bed. " I'll get up if you lay out my clothes." She nodded and layed out a black turtle neck, skinny jeans, and a black beanie. " NO!!" I shouted. " Put those clothes in the furnece. No one wears turtle necks cause that means someone gave you a red welt on your neck. I'd rather not have any one think i was dirty. " She let out an annoyed sigh. " Fine, if you dont like my type of clothing, then you chose." She huffed. " Okay then, I chose my pajamas." i said, laying back on my nice warm matress. " Fine. You can wear this." She held up a black tank-top, black ripped skinnys, my black converse, and a black bra and underwear. I smiled. " Thats more like it." I got out of my bed, grabbed the clothes, and ran to the bathroom, hating the cold floor on my barefeet.

After i got changed, i hoped down the stairs, landing on my toes. I ran to the kitchen, grabbing an apple and munched on it, loving the juice that filled my mouth. I only pick the ripest apples that grow on apple trees. " Come on!" Calypso said. " We are going to be late." " Oh what a shame." I replied.

My sister carried me to school and placed me down on a bench and made her way to Lily and another wolf. A disgusted looked crossed my face as I realize that they were a pack. I sat there while people passed, girls giving me a look that said,' look what the cat dragged in', while the boys were checking me out. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the bush that was behind me, and looked around. The school was rarely big, about five one story houses put together, made out of red and brown bricks, with 'La Push High' spread across the top in painted gold. It was surround with millions of pine trees and bushes, adding the 'outdoor' look. " JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKEEEEE!!!" Soemone screamed made me flinch. The boy from yesterday came over to my sister and Lilly, and i saw Lilly stiffen. Awe looks like lilly is in love with a werewolf. " Hey beautiful." a husky voice said. The voice gave me a funny feeling, but i ignored it. A strong scent of wolf came over me and i nearly gagged. " What?' I snapped turning around. " Well you didn't have to be harsh about it." the boy replied, not looking at me. " Well i did. Now what." i was clearly annoyed. A wolf, talking to me? No. Not ever. " Well you could introduce your self to me." he replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. " I'll tell you mine name if you can guess my favorite artist." I smirked. No one would guess him. He's on YouTube, he's traveled a lot, and his last name is from a T.V. show. " Let me guess, One Direction?" I smiled. " Nope." The boy looked at me in shock. " You heard me. its not One Direction." I started to walk away, but he wantyed to keep the conversation, if you could call it that.

" P!nk?"


" Justin Beiber?"

" Nada."

" OneRepublic?"


" Black Eye Peas?"

" Not even close."

" Victoria Justice?"

" Really?" i asked while continued to walk to the front doors of the school. " Just tell me your name girl!" He shouted. " Never!" A strange smiled played on my lips. I shook it off. " Hey!" Calypso said, running over to me. " Find any truthworthy people yet??" I asked. " No, But i found names." I nodded. My sister and I walked into the small door that had bold letters saying 'FRONT OFFICE'. " Excuse me." i said. It came off rude, but the lady just ignore me. " Excuse me." i repeated, louder than the first.Sh looked up and shot me a annoyed look. " what?" She stated. " Im Luna Müne. This is Calypso Müne. We want our schedules ." She gave me the stink eye and i glared at her. She started typing things on her keyboard and i snapped.. "Are you going to give it to me or what??" Something printed out. " Here." She said shoving the paper in my face. I glared at her and walked out. I heard he mumble " Stupid children" and i slammed the door on my way out. Some kids looked at my and gave them the " SHOVE OFF" look. I walked down the hallway and found my locker. It was rright next to Calypso's. She was talking to Lilly while i hit the locker with my fist and i popped open. " Hey Calypso." I said. " Hey. i heard you talking to a guy this morning.' she smirked. " Oh you mean the complete IDIOT." I replied. " Whatever. Give me your schedule." I sighed and handed it to her. " Why must we go to school. It's sooooo boring. I wanna go run!!" She glared at me and Lilly started to speak. " Oh you run?" " Not really. I do hurdals." Sending my sister a knowing look. " Really?? Cool. how many can you do?" I was about to reply when the annoying boy ccame back. " What going on??" I let out an annoyed sigh and started to walk away. " Where are you going sexy lady?? You still never told me your name." Then my sister had to RUIN EVRYTHING!!! " Luna, we have no classes together." The boy let out "ahhh". " So sexy lady, your name is Luna??" I groaned and stomped my foot. " DON'T TALK TO ME!!" I said storming away. My first class was World Culturres with some guy with a beard. MUAHAHAHA! Time to P.O. teachers!!!

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