Chapter Twenty-Six= Secrets Shared

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Lilly's POV

I popped my shoulders. It was now morning and the boys were starring in utter shock at me.

"You expect us to go with you to Forks." Kyle asked me. "No questions asked." I looked to the right and nodded my head.

"I mean if you don't want to, I could always kill you now, you know." I walked to my closet and started to take some of my clothes out.

"It won't be all bad. They aren't horrible people you know." They looked at my in disbelief.

"Hold up." Daniel said. "How can you trust us? We are vampires." I didn't need to look at them while I answered.

"You won't pull anything. I have friends looking for me now, and of they find my dead body, they'll kill you." I started to put clothes back in my duffle bag.

"Why are you even here?"

" They made me pi$$€d." I answered. "Now, I'll be back tonight. Thats when we'll leave." I walked into the bathroom and changed into my boxing clothes. Daniel stood outside the door.

"Where will you be going?"

"I have a job, dummy."

*** After Boxing ***

I unlocked the door, and walked in. Kyle and Daniel were sitting on the bed playing UNO.

"Wow, that bored?" I asked. They turned towards me.

"Well you're the one who left us here." Kyle snapped. I hld my hands up.

"Jeeze lady. Don't need to flip."

"I ain't no lady. I'm a man."

"You used to be a man. Now you're a vampire." I said, walking to my bag and hoisting it on my shoulder.

"We should go. We don't have much time. Mostly because you'll be asking questions the whole time."

"What does that mean?" Daniel asked getting up, helping me get the rest of my stuff.

"You'll see."

*** Five Hours Later***

(Halfway to La Push)

"So, what you are telling me, is that your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grand-" Daniel started, but I interrupted.

"Two more greats" I smiled. Daniel frowned at me.

"Great-great grandpa insulted a witch, and she said that every girl that he create and his children creat, are cursed to be panthers, from the age of thirteen and up."

"Pretty much. But my friends do not know about it, nor do I want them to know, so leave it hush hush, okay?"

"Wait," Kyle said, "If they are your friends, why don't they know?"

"Because, I can do serious danger when in panther 'mode' when I feel threatened."

"Then why are you telling us?" Daniel asked.

"Because the fastest way to get there is running, and it's more comfy to run without clothes on." They gave me bewildered looks. "But don't worry, I only change on full moons, but I didn't want you to flip when I start running."

"Oh." They said, making them sem simple minded. I winked at the boys and started to run. Full. Speed.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" They screamed. I laughed and stop running. By now they were about 6 1/2 miles behind me. I ran back and they were in a state a shock.

"Wow guys! Haven't you ever seen a panther run? Oh wait." I laughed. Kyle composed himself quickly. Daniel followed his pursuit.

"Never speak of this?" Kyle asked. Daniel nodded but i smiled evilly.

"Nah!" I yelled and started running again. I could hear their profanities behind me, and them starting to run.


Hheeeeyyy everyone! If you have noticed, I deleted it, and the re-updated it because it was out of order... Anywho!! I would like something close to three votes and two comments!!! Have a wonderful day!!



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