Chapter Thirty= Jake Cares?

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Hey guys.. Sooo, I'm at camp,that is why it was late in the updating.... IM SO SORRY!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND READ THE NEW CHAPTER!!!

:) I know I left you on a cliff hanger, but here I am to stop your worrying!!


Four comments and Five votes :)

Enjoy, my lil' cookie monsters..


Jake's POV


Out if instinct, I looked towards Lilly, and saw that she was bleeding down her arm. She looked at me, not in fear, but... Worry? Why would she wor-

'Jacob! Get out of my house!!' Seth screamed in my head. I turned back to him.

'Seth and Jacob. Outside. Now.' Sam commanded in Alpha voice. I glared at Seth and shifted back, thus being naked. Jared covered Lilly's eyes just in time, and Paul threw me some shorts. I didn't realize the mess we made, until Seth and Sam also shifted.

"Can I look now?" I heard Lilly whisper/ask Jared.

"No, Seth's and Sam's jewels are still out." He answered.

Seth and Sam both put on shorts, and then we walked outside. I turned towards Seth after he closed the door and was off the porch.

"Seth. Explain." Seth rolled his eyes at my fierceness.

"Sh-" Sam stopped him.

"Think about this. Think about how your going to say this." Seth paused for a moment, and shrugged.

"Lilly's my girlfriend."

Lilly's P.O.V.


I shot out from both Paul's and Jared's grasp. Suddenly, a shock pulsed through me, and I knew I had to go outside. Their hands were quick to pull me back.

"Lilly! You donot want to go out the right now." Paul said. I rolled my eyes, and pulled my hands out from them.

"I'll be fi-" The sounds of biting, growling, and snarling shut me up. We all ran to the door, and found Seth, Sam, and Jake shifted. But the difference from last time, is that Jake and Seth were browsing, and Sam, was on the floor. Seeing as Sam was done, I ran outside to come to see if he was hut, or alive. When I got near the big, black wolf, I found his pulse, and he was fine, the I looked for bleeding, he was okay. Just, knocked out.

Embry's POV


Everyone besides Jake knew that Seth would ask out Lilly. And we all knew Seth would possibly get murdered from that.

Did we help Seth out? No. Seth knew what would happen.

Do I feel guilty? No.

Should I care? No.

We pulled Lilly from Sam, making sure that she wouldn't get hurt by the two wolves, and as we do that, Jake turned his head, glaring at us. But while he did that, Seth turned and snapped at his neck, but Jake was too fast. He flipped over Seth, grabbed his scruff, and threw him against a tree, and Seth turned back.

Seth whimpered, and turned back, naked, and passed out. Lilly broke from our grasp, and kneeled down next to him, checking his pulse.

Lilly's POV


Yeah, so I was sitting next to my naked boyfriend, while my imprint stands next to me, ready to kill my naked boyfriend..

The world is messed up man.

I checked his pulse and found it stable, but he was bleeding badly. His back was bruised and bloody, and his shoulders were messed up.

Quickly, I pulled out my phone and called Carlise for him to fix Seth. And then I called Sue. She needed to know about her son.

"Oh my god!! Is he okay?" Sue panicked.

"He'll be alright. You are coming right?" There was silence on her part, beside voices in the background.

"Uh yeah." Her voice cracked. "I'm coming."

"Its okay Sue, he is safe. Come as fast as you can." After Sue hung up, i turned angrily towards Jake.

"WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK?" I yelled at him. He whimpered. "I'm dating Seth! Who cares! You certainly shouldn't. You are part of my life Jake, but you don't need to freak out all the time. Okay?"

Jake shifted back, and i ignore him being naked.

"I'm sorry Lilly." HIs voice cracked at the end. I felt guilty. "It's just.. I care.."

Woah woah woah.. He really cares? I knew that he did, but wow. He said it out loud.

Knowing that I couldn't handle this anymore, I ran. And I ran to the woods.


Thanks so much for reading! Vote comment, leave the story if you want, it is up to you!

I changed it up a bit... I found to dumb that it was a full moon, so I just had her run off. :)

Have a great day :)

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