Chapter Seventeen= Thirty Minutes

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I don't think i would get this updated soon, but i can always try :) Enjoy your day/night




I spent yesterday in my room, purposely trying to ignore the world. Everyone just. just.. BUGGED ME!!! The stares i was receiving, it sucked!! My skin was becoming pale and my eyes were becoming darker. Luna and Calypso have been sneaking into my room, but is always chased out by the smells of the wolves. I don't care for the scent anymore. I turned up Skyfall and hummed the tune. I walked to my window and sat down. My window seat was the best place to be, while reading books.

I pulled out the book 'Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian'. It has been the fourth, no fifth time re-reading it. (A/N- Spoilers) I was at the part when Thalia and the Hunt come to Percy. I engorged myself in the book, mimicking and mocking every word Rick wrote it.

A knock echoed throughout my room and i looked up. The scent of Seth filled my nose.

"Come in." I said, not really wanting to let him in. Seth barged in my room. Nervousness rested on his features as he played with his hands behind his back.

"Yes?" I asked, not letting my annoyed tone get the better of me. He had walked in on me while i was reading. The insufferable fool.

"Well, we're having a bonfire tonight, and we wanted to know if you wanted, you know, to come?" He smiled weakly.

I clenched my teeth unwillingly. I knew something like this would happen. My heart quickened and mind raced. If I said yes, I would have to face the pack, but if I didn't, I would seem like a jerk. I slowly nodded, unsure if what I was doing was correct.

"Great!!!" Seth exclaimed. "It'll be at seven, I'll come pick you up?"

"No, I can walk, you hang out with your friends Seth." I put on a fake reassuring smile, and he nodded.

"It's at the beach, just look for smoke, Kay?" I nodded and Seth left the room.

I internally groaned, and stood up. I stretched and popped my shoulders, back, neck, and legs. I then I threw off my PJs and grabbed a purple v-neck and jean shorts. I dressed quickly and turned to my mirror. I pulled my long blue hair and put it in a pony tail, and grabbed black sun glasses.

I walked to the door and opened it. I turned off the light and stepped into the hallway, closing my door behind me. I walked down the stairs and heard Sue cooking in the kitchen.

"Bye Sue!! I'll be back!!" I called, walking up to the door.

"Okay!! Be safe!!" Sue called back.

"Will do!" I walked outside,closed the door, and started walking to the forest. Sticks crunched from beneath my feet as I walked. I was near the treaty line, when a sudden stench of wolf filled my nose. I quickly ran up the nearest tree and sat on a branch, looking down.

Paul came out looking around. He sniffed the air and shook his head. He started walk close to my tree and my breath caught in my throat. He stopped, looked up the tree, and grazed over the branches with his eyes. I backed up into the tree, hoping he wouldn't see me. A ringtone filled the air and Paul looked around. I didn't bring my phone and was thankful for the person calling him. Paul ran off to the right, away from me and my tree. I waited for a few seconds, and hopped down. I quickly ran over the treaty line and looked back. No wolves. That's great.

I quickly ran to the Cullen's and walked up the stairs. Emmett opened the door and greeted me.

"You alright? You... Look.. Pale. And your eyes are darker. You okay?" Emmett asked, pointing out the obvious.

"Eh." I said, and started to walk inside.

Jasper popped his head from around the corner.

"So that training will finally come to use?"Jasper asked smugly. I nodded.

"They also don't know your a panther?" I shook my head.

"I don't want them to know. I never planned on it. Not now. Not ever." I said, walking to the living room.

* * *

After hanging out with Edward, Alice, Emmett, and Jasper, (Rosalie doesn't like my smell) I left around six. I ran home, wanting to relax and calm myself. When I neared the house, I ran quickly inside and up the stairs. 30 minutes till I have to be at the beach. Thirty minutes until I may freak out on them. Thirty minutes till the pack tells me who I am. Thirty minutes. All my fate might change. In Thirty minutes.

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