Chapter Five= Just Forget It...

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Seth's P.O.V.

It was about two weeks after our incounter with the panther and Lily being mauled by the panther. Lily seems distant, and won't talk to anyone. It's killing Jake, everyone could see, but he was spending time with Bella. Lilly goes out everyday a five, and she wont answer our questions. Whenever we want to talk to her, she gets scared, and runs off. No body knows her deal, but when she gets home, she's always smiling. She;s been skipping school, but she comes from the library everyday with text books. I decided to day would be the day i would confront her and make her tell me what the matter was. i am her best friend, right? I ran up the stairs and knocked on her door. She answered it, and starred at me. She was going to close the door when i put my fist on it. " Talk to me please, Lilly." She turned and walked to her bed. " Lilly please. I just want to know whats the matter. Why have you avoiding us?' She looked at me and fell on my shoulder. " I missed you. " she said.

Lilly's P.O.V.

I hugged Seth. As much as my cat wanted to snarl, and attack him, i hugged him. I felt replused, but i made myself calm down. I cried everyday, watching Jake hang out with Bella. I wanted to punch the heck out of her, and edward has been helping me keep my cool around them. I've been trianing with Jasper, helping me be algial, and be swift. i was working on balance today, but i knew Seth wanted me to stay here. " Seth you have to understand that i missed you, but i need my space. I'm a fiffteen yearold girl for Pete's sake. I go to the libriary and i study from five to seven. Thats why i've been out."

"well how 'bout you skip learning today an head to Sam's." Seth offord. That was too risky. I shook my head and made up a lie. " I was planning to go to an icecream shop in Forks and read a book i got from the libriary. by myself." Saddness filled his face and nodded slowly. I grasped his hand. " Maybe you and i could have lunch tomorrow and talk. Like we used to. Just you and i, and two big hambergers, or five for you." A huge grin took place of that frown, and he squeezed the day lights out of me. " Yeah of corse! See you later Lills!!" Seth ran out of the room, and i exscaped the horror of almost killing the pack. i sighed and put some gym shorts, tank top, and tennis shoes in a gym bag. I grabbed the bag and ran down stairs. The boys were leaving and i silently made my way to the kitchen. I knew they would have water, but i wanted to use my own, so if they ran out, i would have some.

              I walked out barefoot, and walked to the treaty line. i jumped across the river o the rocks and made my way to the culluns house.  I heard Bella's voice and i saw Edward and her talking, and i hid behind a tree, so she couldn't see me. i carefully climb up the tree and looked at her through the leaves. She starred out the window. " Somethings in that Edward. What is it.?" I sent Edward a mental message. If she sees me, she'll tell Jake and if Jake hears it, he'll tll the pack, and they'll find out I'm lying. I saw him nodd. He put his hands on Bella's shoulders and pointed to the tree next to the one i'm on. I jumped onto that one, and i saw Jasper impressed. I smiled and heard the front door closing. I turned my attention to find bella walking towards the tree i was just on, I tensed, but instentaly felt calm. Jasper.....  I could hear their conversatoin better. " Take me up there, and i'll tell you there isn't anything up there." She bossed. Edward sighed. I silently lurked across the tree and sat the valley of the tree. it was deep, so they couldn't see me but i i could tell they were up here. Bella looked around and i think she saw my hair and i felt her footsteps come and jumped from my spot, as I jumped i hit the ground softly, and ran to another tree.I heard bella curse and she went back to edward.  I felt something rush next to me i stuck out my fist. Jasper caught it, and motioned me to follow him. I nodded and ran with him. We went to an abandon cemetary. " go over thereand change, and we'll get started. Edward and Bella are having..... problems. So we'll go ahead and practice, okay?" I nodded, and when to the trees and changed. Lastly i pulled my blue hair into a ponytail. " I got back and he said, " Lets get started."

The whole time while i was there was spent me trying not to fall off the eight foot fence that had spikes at the top. Th first time was a fail, because i sliped and fell. Jasper managed to catch me before i fell, but he said he'd only do it once. Second time i sliped again, and landed on my butt, but the grass was soft, until you got farther across. the third try i got halfway, when i sliped again almost broke my arm. Fourth try i made it across and Jasper said to do it again. Jasper satrted yelling at barking and shaking the fence. I fell again, and landed in the same spot before. I made it across successfully on the sixth try, but Jasper made me do it again. This time, he did all the things before, then started throwing things at me, like leaves, pebbles, vionty shaking the fence, yelling fall, you'll never make it, and other things. I continued to fall, and hurt myself. on my eleventh try, i fell on the rocks. I got small cuts and brusies and dirt on my sweaty face. Jasper helped me up and he asked me before i went again, " Do you want to fall? Hurt yourself more. You don't want the pack to see you hurt?" I shook my head and got on the fence again. I thought of how me getting hurt would give it away, and i didn't want it to happen. He countinued to do the things again, and i almost slipped, but i caught myself. I finished the corse, and i smling. " Good job kiddo. You're done for the day." I high-fived him and ran to get a drink of water. I found it on the fence and i had to get it. I gulped down the water and headed to my lesson with Edward. He was helping me not to attack the wolves. " So today, we are going to work on your ability nit to get angrey when a wolf gets you mad, and then able to satnd with a whole bunch of them." I nodded. The class wasn't as ahrd as Jasper's, which i was glad of, but i still had trouble with it. He told me to picture Paul saying the words he was saying then it was hard not ripping out Edwards throat, but i got through it. By then it six thirty, and Edward told me to get a shower before i go home. I nodded thankfully at him and went to go get a shower. I hopped in and let the water relax my mussles. Abut ten minutes later i hopped out, turns out i had a towel waiting for me, and i dried off. I ran downstairs after getting dressed in the clothes i had before i did the training  with Jasper. I heard something behind me and ducked when they threw a vase at me. " Nice reflexas Lili!" Emmett commented. I turned and hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back. I stepped over the broken vase and i  heard edward come in. " lilly, you are done for the day. Later we'll work on not fliping out when you're in a group with the pack, okay?" " Thats fine! Hey i better hed out so i can make it in time, okay?"  he nodded and walked me to the door. I left with a wave and ran to the treaty line.

I ran home, and found the pack out side the house. " So we have about two week when the panther might show. Someone aas to be watching Lilly so she doesn't get hurt again. Seth you'll be watching her with Paul." I almost wanted to go and tell them i didn't need protection when i reliazed that i vampire smell all over me. I climb up the house and went through the window. I quickly changed my clothes, grabbed a book, and hopped out the window silently. I ran around the house, and acted like i just got home.  " hey guys!" I greeted once i got into the living room. There was croud of heys as they watched football on T.V. i shrugged and walked into the kitchen. i felt someone come behind me. '' Where were you?" Seth said. " What do you mean?" I asked getting nervous. " I went to all of the icecream shops in Forks and didn't find you."  OH CRAP!!!!!! " I went to Star bucks ( SPONSER) instead because ui didn't want to spend all my money on icecream, but then i didn't stay, so i went to the park and read." " No you didn't. I went to the park as well. You weren't there either." " Look, all i know, is that i went o tose three places in two hours, okay. I didn't go to the park last because i'm not stupid." " What ever. I just know i didn't see you. So you obviously not there." I slamed my hand on the counter. " If you don't trust me, fine. If you don't trust mt at all,Our lunch plan is cancled. Got it!" I grabbed an apple, and stormed my way up the stairs. " Lilly! Com-" " JUST FORGET IT!" I yelled.

Seth's P.O.V.

 Her words before she slamed her door close stung me more painfully than  fifty wasps stinging me. Jut forget it... 

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)  

FINALLY DONE!!! WHOOP WHOOP! :) For those who want to, Go check out my other story called Can We Sit Here? A Marauders Story. =) Thanks for reading! 88 reads?!?! Go spread the word!!



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