Chapter two= School Jacob and a Full Moon.

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Yesterday was great!! We spent two hours at Sam's and Email's house. We all had a great time, but I left with a question, who is Jacob Black?

Jacob's P.O.V

All last night during patrol all I could hear was Lilly or Lil's or I love Lilly!!! It's driving me crazy!! They wouldn't focus enough to let me see what she looked like. Seth said that she was living with him and Sue. I'm happy, but I honestly I'm starting to hate her. The only good thing is I get to see Bella tomorrow. I love Bella. She is my imprint. But Sam keeps telling me that I shouldn't hang on to that. Saying, my imprint would matter more than just the feeling I have for her right now. I'm mad at Sam for not believing I imprinted. Even though he imprinted doesn't mean I didn't. I love Bella. I'm seriously mad at all this Lilly stuff. How great is she? Do they even know her?

* Next Day*

I woke up from Dad calling me to breakfast. " Jake you said you wanted to get up early for school." I groaned.. Going to school sucks.

* Lilly's P.O.V

I woke up from Seth jumping on my bed. I sighed and pushed him off. " What do you want?" *

"We have to go to school."

" How long do we have till then?" *

" Like 20 minutes." I jumped up and pushed him out of my room. I quickly pulled my shirt off and put on a zebra print blouse. Next I put on makeup. I pulled my almost completely black hair in a bun. ( Authors Note: Her hair changing color surrounds her secret.) I pulled my white pants up and buckled them, then I grabbed my black bennie, so it would cover my hair, and griped my bag. I met Seth in the hallway. He looked astonished.

" Girl, it took me about 30 minutes to look this good and you took 10 and you look amazing!!" I blushed.

" So we have 10 minutes to get to school. How are we getting there?" Seth smiled slyly.

" We have to walk."

" How long does it take to get there?"

" Like five minutes." I started to shove Seth out the door.

" Bye Sue!!" I yelled.

" Bye Lilly. Bye Seth!!"

Seth and I just started randomly talked about or likes and dislikes. He always wanted to try Modern Warfare 3 but never asked. He found out that I always wanted a dog, and loads of other things. I didn't notice the school until I heard a familiar voice call us.

" Hey Lills!!" I smiled. " Ey Ems!!" I yelled to Embry. He ran up to hug me but then backed off. Puzzled, I thought I heard someone growl. I faked smiled and moved on. I checked my phone and it said 6:25.

" Hey Quil, what time does school start?"

" Like 7:00 7:30. Whenever the bell rings." My eyes widened. I turned to Seth. Feeling rage overcome me.

Jacob's P.O.V

I saw the pack, as always, hanging out in front of the school. But there was a girl there. Her back was towards me, so I moved to the side to see her face. I felt drawn to her, but she didn't look at me. She looked murderous at Seth.

" YOU WOKE ME UP AT 6:05!?!!?!?!!!!!?!?! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!!!! I WAS DREAMING ABOUT WAFFLES!!! IT WAS SO PEACEFUL!!!" She screeched. " I... Um ... Uhh... We always get here early. We usually hang out before school!" Seth stuttered. She's Lilly. A voice nagged me. I missed what she yelled, but she stormed off towards the woods. I felt an urge to follow her, but I ignored it, and ran up to the guys. Quil and Embry were laughing hard on the ground, rolling on the ground, and pointing fingers at Seth, who was wide-eye, trying to grasp what just happened. I smiled.

Love Me But Don't Hurt Me. (Seth Clearwater/OC/Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now