Chapter Thirty-Three: An Army?

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Jake's POV


Having Quil and Embry on my side, we walked up to the Cullen's door, and I knocked.

Bella's graduation present felt heavy in my pocket, but we stood there waiting patiently for the door to be opened.

"Will we get food?" Quil asked. Rolling my eyes, I replied.

"Yeah, with who's money?" Quil shut up after that, but Embry spoke.

"Why are we even here?" I had asked them to come, but Embry was more reluctant than anyone.

Turning my head sideways, I answered.

"I was invited." He rolled his eyes, and opened his mouth to reply, but the opening of the door cut him off.

Bella opened the door, her long brown hair was cascading down her front, and her make up was gorgeous. Alice must've done that.

"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"I was invited."

"Was the right hook not obvious? You were uninvited." My cheek stung, remembering our kiss, but I answered her anyways.

"It's graduation. I brought you a gift." I reached into my pocket and handed her the bracelet. She admired my handiwork on the wolf, and let us inside.

Edward rushed to us, and he attached himself to her side.

He nodded in our direction, but focused on Bella. Bella was tense, and it made me uncomfortable.

"Why are you tense Bells?" Using her old nickname, I caught her attention.

The vamp Alice, came up behind her and started to say something, but Jasper cut her off.

"There are too many people. let's go somewhere quieter."

Jasper leading us, we traveled to the back of the house, and waited for an explanation.

"We believe there is a vampire army of newborns being rallied in Seattle." Edward said, looking at us.

"So?" Embry asked.

"They have Bella's scent." I lifted my head up to Alice, who spoke.

"I saw them, passing around her shirt. Riley Biers is a leader, but I can't see who is really behind it. They plan to come here and kill all of us."

Embry, Quil, and I shared a look.

"We'll fight with you. it's our job to protect the people from vampires."

"These aren't normal vampires. They're newborns. They're stronger and faster than us. Their human blood is still pumping in their veins." Edward spoke. "But Jasper knows how to fight them."

We all looked towards the shaggy haired blonde, who had glossy eyes remembering the past.

"I'm not letting anyone get hurt over me." Bella said, looking at all of us.

"Aw Bells. Think of it as bonding time. I mean, that is what you wanted." I said smugly.

Edward glared at me, but I shrugged it off.

"I'll train you guys." We nodded.

"Great. When do we start?"


Lilly's POV


Throwing rocks into the ocean, I sat on a cliff and stared off into the sea.

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