Chapter Sixteen= Er..... I Missed School?

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READ THIS EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT WANT TO!!!!!!! Im going to try and update soon and 'on schedual' even though that might not work. I had food poisoning!! I HAVE ENIMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE WORLD IS NOT SAFE!!! 


Lilly's P.O.V.


I swallowed hard. The boys glares did not match the one Sue gave me. She slammed papers on the the table and shoved them my way.

What is this?" Sue asked. I peered at the papers and realized they were the papers you receive when your kicked out of school.

"Well?" She asked again, impaintness seeping through the thin line that was in place of her usual smile.

"I think... I missed too many days of school?" Sue gave me 'no-duh' look and shoved them in my hands.

"Room. Now." I held my hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay." I took the papers and walked up stairs. I heard the snigger's come out of the boys mouths. I wonder if she ever did that to Seth? I mentally shrugged and opened my door. It was exactly how i left it. My sky blue beanbag was sagging in the corner and my magazines laid shewn around the floor. My bed was, made? My backpack was on top of my dresser, untouched and dust covered. I kicked off my shoes at the door-wall (A/N-that wall that holds the door close you know? My friend and i named it a door-wall :) and closed the door. My posters of One Direction (A/N- NIALL <3 <3) and cute outfits littered the door. My plush sea-turtle carpet felt warm against my freezing toes. My turtle animal pillows were neatly placed around my bed. I remember Nevil, my turtle, and ran to his glass cage. I upgraded my room, mostly because the last one did not fit my new style. Nevil was munching on a lettuce leaf, his green shell glimmering in the lamps light. My colored crayon paintings (A/N blow dry to the crayons onto a canvass, REALLY CUTE!!) hung on the wall, and my make-shift  shadow flower posters hug by push-pins next to my bed. I opened my dresser to find everything in place and pulled out my green tank-top and zebra pj shorts. I changed and pulled on my sock-monkey slippers. I walked over to my iPod and turned on How To Train Your Dragon score music. The whole soundtrack started and i hummed softly. I sat on my bed and started to doodle on my hand with a pen. I stopped and realized my room was a little dark so i lit a few of my candles. I started munching on fruit snacks when "Where's Hiccup" started to play. It is my favorite How To Train Your Dragon song, right after 'Romantic flight' of corse. I started to dance around my room while humming and smiling. My doorknob started to move, but i ignored it. He walked in and sat at the end of my bed. "Hey,"  Seth started.  I ingnored him and started to draw all over my feet. He sighed and laid on my bed. I grabbed my nail polish and started to shake the purple goo stuff. " Don't use purple. Use um," Seth said and looked at all my nail polish." This." Taking the purple from my grasp, he placed the celstial blue in my palm. I smiled at him and started to shake the container. "Thanks." I siad. HE smiled a goofy smlie and laid back on one of my pillows.  "So how's Nevil?" Seth asked, looking towards my turtle. "He's good, i believe." I said, starting to paint my toes.  "I'm sorry i reacted the way i did yesterday." Seth said. Hurt feeling soared through my heart. I put up a mask though.  Though i could not help the icy feeling building up in my heart.

"WHy exactly?" I asked, trying to hide my bitter feelings towards him. My head was screaming  at me mouth, telling it to yell, " I HATE YOU!! I KNEW I COULDN'T TRUST ANYONE!!!" but my mouth did not form any words, just a simple fake smile. 

"I don't know exactly the cold heartness of my actions, but i ask for your forgiveness." I knew he meant no harm, but i wanted to say no, but i couldn't. That wouldnt seem fair.

"Yes." I said simply, but the word was like sandpaper. Its like letting a murder escape after he killed your family. 

"Good." Seth siad, breathing a sigh of relief. " I thought you hated me." If you only knew, if you only knew.  I laughed. 

"I could never hate you!!!!" That was a lie. He does not care for me like he used to. He does not care for me like how i want him to. No one does. Seth smiled. He's becomeing dumber. He did not notice the fake words that came out of my mouth. He used to read me like a book. One that people look at and can instantly tell whats it about. I plastered a smile on my face and then moved onto the next foot.

"So you got kicked out from school huh?" I nodded and pretended to be intrested by his words.

"Well, its not all that bad. Sue just wants a kid to have a good education, you know?" I nodded. 

Pretend to be happy.

Don't frown. 

I why i should, but it seems like the right thing to do. Seth placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" Seth asked. I shook my head.

"Could you get me some food?" I asked," Im starving!"  Seth nodded and left my room. Theres a good way to get a person out of your life, for now. 


No, that is not one huge curse word. Sooooo, not that long, but it shows Lilly's feeling for Seth right now. :) Enjoy your week, if you can. Do you know what sucks? My school is letting us out on the 21st. REally??? LIKE SERIOUSLY???? THEY'RE A KILLER OF JOY!!!!!!!!!

Hope ou got out earlier. Enjoy yourselves. BTW its not even a half-day.  

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