Chapter Twenty-Eight= Seth and... I?

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Lilly's P.O.V.


It's been weeks. Weeks since I got back to Forks. Weeks I almost let it slip that I'm a panther. Weeks that Jake has been ignoring me. Weeks. Too many weeks. But the good news, is that I have new time to spend with Seth. My childhood friend.

"- and I was thinking. Hey! You listening?" Seth asked while shoving me while we walked away from the movie theater. I smiled and laughed.

"Yes,I was listening. You actually think!" He shoved me again, and I almost fell into the road. Seth quickly caught my arm, pulled me into his chest, and stopped me from hitting truck.

"Thanks jerk!" I glared playfully. "I could've been a pancake!" He smirked.

"Then vultures would actually like eating road kill!" I glared at him half-heartily, and walked away from him.

"Lills!" He jogged up to me.

"Excuse you. My name is Lilly!" Seth pouted.

"Meanie." Seth muttered, hoping I wouldn't hear him. But I did.

"Awh... Is wittle Swethy-pooh swad?" He looked at me solemnly, and nodded. "Awh, does wittle Swethy-pooh want to me to bring him his wittle tweddy bwear?" He looked at me again and nodded. I laughed and hugged him from his side.

"Anyway," Seth said, stopping me from giggling more. "I was thinking tha-" A truck horn interrupted him from saying anything further. He glared at the truck for a moment, and turned back to me.

"What I was saying was that we should-" I interrupted him this time. I felt like being mean.

"Go to the ice cream shop down the street? That's a great idea!" I skipped down the street, and ran into the parlor.

The first thing that stood out was the different flavors and smells. There was a long line of different flavors, ranging from vanilla, to blueberry and blackberry mix. I walked up to the beginning of the line, (there was no one there besides me and the workers) and looked the server in the eye. His majorly cute eyes! He was tall and handsom- Just kidding. There stood a short, dyed-hair blond girl. She glanced at me, then popped her gum.

"May I help you?" She asked, in a voice that resemble the girl from 'Barbie Girl'.

I was about to answer when Seth walked in, and bell on the door jingled. Both of our attention turned to him, and the gum fell out of the girl's mouth. Her fake-tanned cheeks turned bright red, and she bent under the counter to pick up the garbage. I snickered, and when the girl got back up, she glared at me.

"How may I help you?" She asked again, but, less in a rude way, I guess to impress Seth. And that's a major turn off. For him and me. Fake niceness. Bleh.

"Yes, you may. May i please have a large bowl?" She nodded, and grabbed the bowl off the shelf, but not before giving me a look that said, 'gross'.

"What kind of ice-cream?"

" May I please have two scoops of vanilla, three scopes of chocolate, one scope of mint-chocolate, two scopes of dutch-chocolate, and the toppings of sprinkles please?" She did all of that, and when I went to pay, she gave me a look that said I was fat. Well, too bad. Seth and I always share this ice-cream.

It was $8.50, and when I was about to pay, Seth slipped the money in.

"Seth!" I scolded. I gave him a look, and he returned an innocent one, and shrugged. The girl looked between us, and shot me a very hard death glare.

"Look, I owe you. And plus it adds to my gentleman skills." I sighed and gave up. I left him to pick up the food, and sat down at the nearest table.

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