Chapter 34

906 34 22

Lilly's POV


Walking to my closet, I grabbed a pair of spandex shorts and a nike tank.

Today was the day of training.

Quickly changing into the clothing, I put on a pair of tennis shoes, and pulled my blue hair into a high pony tail..

Running down the stairs, I saw Quil and Embry waiting for Seth.

"Hey Lils!!" Embry shouted, pulling me into a hug. Hugging him back, a gave a quick hello.

"Where you off to?" Quil asked.

"Going out for a jog. Why are you guys waiting for Seth?" Feigning innocence, I watched their eyes flicker towards each other.

"Well the guys are going to go watch a movie at Sam's house, and Seth needed a ride." Embry said, looking impatient to make the lie seem real.

"Alrighty!! Well I'm off. See you guys later!" I said, giving them a final hug. Walking out the door, the boys gave out the usual calls, saying 'be safe', and 'catch you later.'

~~~ Time Skip~~~

Reaching the Cullen's house, I knocked on their door and waited patiently for someone to answer. Thankfully Jasper did, and he gave me a raised eyebrow.

"Haven't seen you around lately Lilly." I gave him a guilty smile and rocked back and forth on my heels.

"Sorry!" I apologized. He laughed and said it was alright.

"So what brings you here?" He asked, after letting me into his house. Alice bounced to his side a few moments later, and gave me a warm smile.

"I was going to go and learn how to defend myself against new borns." Jasper nodded, but he looked concerned.

"How will you not be seen by the pack?"

"I'll hide out in the trees. They won't notice me there."

"Just be safe Lilly." Alice said, I nodded.

"I will be. Promise"

They both smiled at me, and led me out the door, towards the clearing where we would practice.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After learning how to properly defend myself from new borns, and getting proper training after the boys left, I stopped at the diner to pick up lunch.

"A cheeseburger with a side a fries and a medium Dr. Pepper, please." I told the teenage boy behind the counter. He nodded, and typed my order in the machine.

"That'll be 9.95." I smiled at the boy, and put my money on the counter.

Waiting in line behind a couple, and an old man, I leaned up against the glass.

The bell of the store ringed, and a group of loud and obnoxious boys entered. Without having to look at who it is, their scent drifted into my nose, and I knew it was the pack. Smiling, I looked over, and Jake had Quil's head in a head lock, and was laughing.

Giggling at their silliness, I watched as everyone but Sam and Emily head over to the tables, and continue to push and shove each other till they were all seated, but even then the boys didn't stop messing with each other.

Sam and Emily walked to the cashier, and waited for the teenage boy to finish with the other customers and take their orders.

"Number 35!" The boy from the couple walked forward, taking their tray, and him and his girlfriend walked to a table, away from the pack. The old man infront of me moved forward, and I stepped up as well.
Waiting for the workers to finish his and my own meal I let my mind wander.

Alice says that the fight will be this weekend. And the newborns are trying to get Bella. That means Edward and Bella will be far from the fight. But where?

The man in front of me got his food, and I subconsciously stepped forward, and leaned up against the counter.

Bella will probably want Jake to be with her.
Sighing, I pushed my jealousy aside, and took my bag of grease, and headed to a table near a window, close, but not too close to the pack.

I'll get Edwards permission to go with them to wherever they're hiding. They'll need back up and I'll be able to help. But if Jake is there...

Digging into the bag of grease and calories, I munched on the cheap fries and glanced around, thinking to myself.

I wonder if Edward will let me go with them. If the pack finds out they hurt me all along, or if they found out the Cullen's have been helping the Panther...

Maybe I could just stay in the shadows..

Pulling out my phone, I logged into it, and went to Facebook. My old friends in Florida are apparently having a blast. It seems as if no one misses me.

Oh well. Their loss, right? Right.

Wanting more salt for my fries, I stood up, and went to throw my empty bag away, when an arm wrapped around my waist.

Automatically going into defense mode, I drove my elbow into their gut. The person, obviously a male, let go instantly, and I stepped away from the arms, and faced them.

Turns out the person who grabbed me was Jake, who is now hunched over in pain, groaning. The pack, watching the scene, was silent, until Paul started laughing. Then the rest of the boys joined in on the howling laughter.

Looking up at me, Jake gave me a pained smile.

"Hey Lils."

Hey guys... I know I've been dead, but a lot has happened in the past year or two. So I'll give a little recap about the last few months.
**Please note im not looking for sympathy, I just trust you guys and respect you enough to let you know why I haven't been updating.**

• I had an abusive boyfriend

• I went through a depressive state

• I lost my inspiration for writing

• I needed a reason to stay happy, and then I found it

• I switched schools

• I met a really sweet boy from Virginia

• I lost my cat

• I have a niece and a nephew

I am okay now.

I hope you guys have a very very fun day, or night. I want you to know that I will get the next chapter updated in a few days to a week.

I love you all.

Less Than Three,
Cookie Monster

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