Chapter Ten= Coffee Shop

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So this is the point of view from Luna, the character from last chapter. Calypso and Luna are based off me and my friend, TheHuntress220. Yeah we know each other. Well here you go!!


Luna's P.O.V.

Lilly was funny, but I could tell she thought I was weird,demanding,and rude. Though I'm glad I'm not quiet like my older sister, Calypso, a goody-too-shoes who does everything she's suppose to, but some people think I'm a jerk, I'm probably am, but I don't care! " So where are you from?" Lilly asked. I went silent and stared at my sister, pleading her to answer. Thank Godric she got it. " We are from Alsaka. But we move a lot, so it's hard to tell." Lilly nodded. Her and Calypso started a conversation while I stared out the window. I didn't want to come to this town. It's cute, but too many mixed smells. One was werewolf while the other one is vampire. The never seem to mix, but it messing up my nose!!! First wolf then vampire!! Gosh its annoying. Calypso said it was a good thing to come here, saying we should lay low, but we could've gone back to Canada!!! The people there are so nice!! I don't trust this place, no matter how safe Calypso says it will be. The werewolves are obviously on one side and the vamps are on the other, but what if we transform and they flippin attack us!! Not good!!! Lilly is obviously a panther, and she has been around the wolves, but they won't trust us. We smell too different for other supernatural beings to trust us. I can also tell the wolves had hurt her, more than she likes to show, so if they attack her in panther form, what about us. What if they see me and Calypso transform and they KILL us?!? Hmm what then!! I inhaled, and I nearly choked!! The werewolf scent filled my nose and I sat up. The bell on the door dinged and the scent filled the store. A tan boy, obviously wolf, walked in with a pale girl. The wolf noticed my scent and narrowed his eyes at me. I stood up and got into 'I-don't-trust-you-so-go-in-fighting stance-without-you-noticing.' stance. The pale girl glared at Lilly so I stood in front of Lilly so the girl was glaring at me. I glared back, my harsh glare, and she flinched. I noticed Lilly and Calypso stopped talking when I heard Calypso's chair screech across the tile floor. She stood next to me, making sure I wouldn't pull something that would mess up our stay. " Come on lets go, Luna." she whispered in my ear. Calypso wrapped her hand around my arm and started to drag me out of the coffee shop. " Bye Lilly! See you at school!" she yelled as we left. I glared at the boy as we passed, and he glared back.

When we got onto the street outside the shop, Calypso started scolding me. It was all like, Luna do this, you shouldn't do that, blah, blah, blah. " Whatever. Meet you at home." I started walking away when I felt her come right next to me. " Oh no you don't!" She said grabbing my bicep. " I'm not lettin you go terrioze the town!" I rolled my eyes. " Oh no! I wasn't going to terrioze them! Never! I was going to eat the ones in red." It was a joke because, well no time explain. I started walking to the forest when she was already at the edge. "I'll meet you at home!" I nodded and she zoomed off. It's a trait of hers, running. She can reach 300 mph in 10 seconds. Impressive right? Well I can jump from one to 500 meters without a running start. Yeah, we are gifted like that. I climbed the nearest tree and started gracefully jumping from tree to tree silently. We I reached the house, Calypso was eating some popcorn while watching Regular Show (SPONSOR!!Not really).

The rest of the day consisted of just watching T.V. and eating junk food. It was about 9 o'clock when I decided to go to bed. " Night" I told Calypso. " Night!" She yelled back. I did he usual, brushed hair,teeth, and got changed into some soccer shorts and a ti-dye shirt. I tuned out the lights and stared out the window. Did I mention our house was in the middle of the woods, on top of tree tops. I did forget? Well now you know, people in my head. I totally just said my whole day. Sweet? Nah. I closed my eyes and drifted off into sweet slumber, dreaming about minecraft and dory.


So???? How did you like it!! Tell me in the comments please!!!!

Less than three,


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