Chapter 35~ Part One

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Lily's Point Of View

Guilt washed over me as I watched Jake still hang over his knees.

"Hey Jake." I gave a small smile. He gave me a lopsided smile and hugged me, his large, warm arms wrapped around my small cold ones.

After nearly crushing my body, he let go and greeted my eyes with his. His chocolate eyes swam with warmth and light green flecks floated in the mix of  brown. Losing all sense of reality, I was still gazing into his eyes when I realized he was speaking.

"Lily?" Blinking a couple of times to snap myself out of my haze, I asked Jake to repeat himself.

"I said, why are you out here so late?" He checked his phone. "It's nearly ten, you should be home by now."

I guess training took longer than expected.
Rolling my eyes, I replied. "Just because it's late does not mean I can't be out."

"Just because it's late does not mean I can't be out," Quil mocked me, in a high pitched voice, " I have no reason to worry because my looks will keep all the boys away! Certainly none of the fellas in this town would never lay a finger on me!"

I gave Quil a sarcastic look.
"Oh Har Har, you're simply so hilarious!"

"Believe me, he knows." Embry gave him a rude look, but spoke teasingly.

"But what are you doing out late?" Paul asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Eating." Sitting down as I spoke, I popped a fry into my mouth. Jake sat across from me.

"It's pretty obvious." He spoke in a much quieter voice, hinting that he only wanted us to speak.
"If it's so obvious, why did he ask?"

"Because he's stupid??" Giggling, I nodded, agreeing with his silly statement. Jake smiled, warming up the air around us.

"So what are your plans for this weekend?" I asked Jake, knowing full well what they were, but seeing if he'd like to do anything, afterwards. Or if he was going to lie.

"Oh you know, just hanging out with the pa- guys. Hanging out with the guys." He stuttered, making sure he did not give away the nickname of his group.

"You make it sound like you're going off to war or something." Giggling at the end of my sentence, even though it was the truth.

"You foiled it. You know!" Jake spoke in a louder voice to be theatrical. "How did you possibly know we that we had a fight planned this week? It's going to be very big, you know? Everyone is invited. Mario, Bowser, heck, even some princesses are going!"

"If princesses are going, they why wasn't I invited?" Feigning shock did not help the grin that was creeping up on my face.

Oh, how I love these talks that we have.

"Anyways, what are your plans?"

"To crash on your party." I winked, even though it was true. But he didn't need to know that.

"You don't want to be anywhere near our smash! It's too intense for you!"

"You wanna bet?" I smirked, asking him to press on the fact. He smirked back, challenging me.

~ Time Skip ~

  Friday could not have come any slower; I had my bags packed, a tent set up secretly around the area, and enough food to last me through the cold. I had told Sue that I was visiting an old friend in Port Angelous, and even though it hurt to lie, she couldn't know where I was actually going. Already shifted into my panther form, I sat on top of a spruce tree, watching Bella, Edward, and Jake. Seth was up here as well, and he could not know I was here.

Dark soon approached us, and I climbed down into my tent. Yes, it was cold, but it was better in here than in Bella's tent, that's for sure. I could hear her clattering teeth from down the mountain.

  Soon her teeth stopped grinding together, and I was able to fall asleep. I was going to help them on this mountain, no matter what.

  Dawn broke, and I could hear voices talking from outside. Realizing it was Jake's I crept around to see him better. Jake and Bella were talking, and Jake looked like he was about to leave. But then he kissed her.

Knives drove into my heart. Stumbling backwards, I rolled off the rock I was on into snow. I could feel how cold the snow was, but nothing felt colder than the betrayal I just witnessed.

Not my best work, but you've waited long enough!
Sorry about the confusion on the chapter numbers, I didn't realize my mistake until now. I'm so sorry!

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