Chapter Twenty-Five= Jake

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I felt like updating early, so here you guys go!


Jake's P.O.V.


I glared at Sam. I was beyond angry. Heck, I was beyond raging. He made the possible love of my life run away. I felt like sobbing, but I couldn't do that in front of the pack. I refused to talk to him. The guys just split up in their own little groups and picked sides. Jared and Leah, regrettably, joined Sam's side, wanting her to be here, and to be completely safe, no what-ifs.

Paul agreed with Seth, while Quil and Embry agree with me. Seth believes that Lilly should tell him where she is, and that he should be informed where she every time she goes somewhere.

My idea is that Lilly has her space when she wants it, and she doesn't always have to be with us. But i so desperately like how she is near me.

"Jake." Quil snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You zoned out, man" Embry said.

"Sorry bro." I apologized.

"No problem." Quil and Embry harmonized. "JINX!" They yelled to each other.

" Anyways," Embry started, "I'm going to see if Calypso wants to hang out."

"'Kay man. Have fun." I siad, monotone. Embry and Quil looked at me funny, but Embry left with a goodbye.

"Hey Jake, I'm going to go see if my mom needs help with dinner." Quil said. "I'll catch you later, 'Kay?" I nodded. He eventually left, but not before shooting me a look.

Soon, I was left by myself, left in my thoughts.

Lilly is gone, Bella I back to her blood-sucking boyfriend, and I'm left here with people I hate.

But there is two differences between Lilly being gone and Bella here, but with a leech.

Lilly could come back, and love me, but Bella, she'll never come back, or love me.


Sorrry short chapter, so I'll ask for one comment and one vote!! :)

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