Chapter11= School

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TheHuntress220 is writing this cause we actually know each other in real life. Go check her out, though she has no stories. She a really good friend of mine and so is CookieMonster2328. Yeah she ripped me off, but don't hate her. Any who here is the sory. BTW TheHuntress220 wrote this on my account, so NO HATING!!


Today is the first day of school(for me and my twin sister of course). I'm wearing a dark purple turtleneck, skinny jeans, and my white beanie. Luna is wearing a black tank top,and ripped black jeans. �Then black converse and her hair tied up in a pony tail.� I ran to school with Luna on my back she was too sleepy to leap. Whe we got to school I made a run for Lilly she is like my only friend besides Luna. I saw her hanging out with a wolf ( I call werewolves wolves). He had a strong scent of one so I predict he is one. She calls him Seth I introduced myself and started to talk to Lilly again. Then I glanced over my shoulder and saw another wolf this place must be filled with them. I heard her yell " HEY JAKE THERE IS SOMEONE I WANT YOU TO MEET". I looked away and tried to avoid him from attempting to shake my hand. He said hi nicely, I still don't trust " Jake". Then the school bell rang I found Luna and started walking to school with her. She asked me "Did you find any trustworthy people yet" I replied " No, but I found names". " the guy we saw yesterday goes here and his name is Jake, the guy hanging out with Lilly is Seth". We walked in and to the office to get our schedules we have almost no classes together :( . First period History I'm late, the teacher sits me by a wolf and a mortal. The wolf keeps on staring at me, I feel weird. "ring" next period Physical Education he is in it too. Now I feel like I'm being stalked. Again he is staring when we leave he follows me. I clutch my fists ready to punch, remember he is a wolf it he would kill me because I have to stay the same all school day. Next period wheel , technology I don't think he is in that one but Lilly I feel less anxious. She sits by me I say to her " this one guy keeps on following me he is tan like your other friends". She asked me to piont him out at lunch . Thank goshness lunch is next. Technology confuses me I mean WHY ARE THERE TWO FRIGGIN SHIFT KEYS. LUNCHTIME finally. I sat between Lilly and Luna then pointed the guy out. She said his name is Embry ,but I can admit he is pretty cute .Then Embry stole my cookies I ran over there and yelled "GIVE BACK MEH COOKIES"!!!!! He ate one and gave them back. I gave him a cold stare then went back to my table I looked back and he was staring at me. He looked mad so I blew a kiss to p!$$ him off. He smiled I murmured "dang it" Luna smiled


So leave good comments, if you want, and just to say hey! HELLO! Thought you said I would say hey, didn't you. 

A simple smile in the comments will keep me happy, and i wont post another chapter until i get one comment and one vote

Not much, and a smile will do.

Less Than Three, 


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