Chapter Thirteen: And They Are??

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  • Dedicated to MY FANS!!

Hope you Like it!!


Luna's P.OV.

I closed my eyes as I sat on the tree near a river. It was peaceful and I never wanted to leave. So tranquil.. But stupid technology was made and my phone beeped. I sighed and pulled it out of my pumped up kicks. It read,

'ONE NEW MESSAGE FROM: Older Annoying Sister :P'

'Luna!! Where are you?? It's almost twelve and you aren't home.'

I rolled my eyes before replying,

'It's almost twelve?? Wow I didn't know the sun was sooo bright!'

I clicked send and laid back, hoping she wouldn't reply. But she has to bother me so much, she did.

'Just get your butt here so we can go get lunch.'

'Nah. I'm not hungry. So don't bother me.'

'Im older. Come home.'



'Nada. Just make pizza.'


'Not probable'

'Now. You won't be able to watch T.V.'

'Do I care?'

'Ill tell Paul you like him.'

'I don't like him. Plus if you do, I tell Embry you like him.'

'You wouldn't!!'

'Wanna bet?'

I sent the last text and hopped gracefully off the tree. I headed off for home, quickly changing into my panther. I'm a midnight black cat, with darkened reds ears tips. I run home, and climb up the tree silently, also changing back into human form. I silently stalked across the tree and watch my sister pace across the room. She paused and looked at her phone. She read it and horror crossed her face. She sent a text, and before she could hear the ring on my phone, I took a tree rock and threw at the window, making a thudding sound the same time my phone dinged. I silenced my phone and crouched down, almost hidden in the trees. You could still see my red tank and black soccer shorts, but from her angle, you couldn't tell. I watched as my sister, stared out the window and focused on outside. Her eyes grew dark and she started to get taller. I tensed and hopped up, knowing that she would see me. Relief passed her face and she shrunk back into her normal height. Then anger passed through her eyes, and she started to get taller again. I paled and scrambled away from the window. She started to sprout fur and so i changed quickly into my panther. I hoped from tree to tree and stopped about a mile out. I heard the glass on the window shatter and a loud roar filled my presious cat ears. I quickend my pace. My sister was not pretty when she's angry. I decided it would be easier if i changed into my werewolf form, so i did. I grew like 6 inches from my normal height, which was 5'11. (A/N: 11'11 make a wish!!) I was a dusty grey/white wolf, whith marroon eyes. i shook and countinued to jump form tree to tree. I couldn't hear my sister, so i dared to look down on the ground. I saw my sister siloett, lookinf=g at the trees, trying to see which one im in.

Where are you?? My sisters thoughts echoed through my head.

Why should I tell you?

BECAUSE! She roared.

You know thatv doesn't want to make me tell you were i am.

Just get your *** down here now.

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