Chapter Four= Secod Moon

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Everything went smothly after the moon. Maureen, and the 'pack' ,as we call them, grew closer. I also told Sue about my problem,since she was my 'mom'. i was dreading the next month. But again hoping to show those wolves to back off.

The next month. Full Moon day.

We all walked into the cafateria and did the usual thing. I sat down and saved the seats while they got the food. I made a couple of enemies including princess gang and Josh. A couple of guys flirted with me which made the 'pack' 'protect me' more.

They sat down and i made my way to the food station. Nothing good so i just got a waterbottle. I made my way back to the guys, and sat down. The guys talked about random things and Quil was flirting with Maureen making her laugh. I was thinking about where to go. I couldn't go back to the clearing because I knew the wolves would be there. I don't know how it possible but I think the pack knows the wolves. I was too woried to ask cause they would ask how the wolves. But just to scare them....

" Hey guys, do you believe in... werewolves?" " They got quiet fast.

" What do you mean?" Quil asked neverously.

" I mean, do you think they accually exsist?"

" I..i umm think so?"

" What about you guys?" A wave of slow sures and okays passed through the crowd. I laughed on the inside.

" Maureen?"

" Of corse! They're the most awesome and scariest creatures ever!!! I wouldn't wanna be in the same room on a full moon but not then, DEFIANTLY!!" Quil looked sad but covered it when she looked at him. " Don't you think they're sweet?" She asked Quil.

" Oh yeah. They're pretty cool. i guess." Quil got sad and started talking to Jared, and everybody moved on from my question, but the tension still hanged.

" Did i do something wrong?" Maureen asked francatly. I shook my head.

" He is just being, him"

" Not true, he's," I cut her off with a shake of my head. Confusion passed her face, and then she remembered we were sitting with the boys. She blushed and got a notepad and pen out.

M-'He's sweet, kind, HOT, and he cares about me.' I stared at her in disbelief.

L-'You like him!!!!' I wrote giggling.

M-'Shut up!!'. I looked up at her, and saw that she had a mild blush.

L-'So you do??'

M-'Maybe.... Only if he actually me. And it doesnt make it too awkward.'

L-'Well he defiantly likes you. Can't you see how he looks at you?'

M-'No. It's like how blind you are that Jake likes you!' Now it was my turn to blush.

L-'he doesn't like me.......... Even if he did, he wouldn't date me. He likes another girl.'

M-'Yeah right, look right now, he staring at you.' I looked up to indeed find Jake looking at me. I smiled and waved a bit.

L-'so that doesn't prove anything......'

M-'you're blushing. Ofcorse it does. you like him and he likes you.'

L-'He likes that other girl. Betta or something. It might be Bessa? And you blush when Quil looks at you. Don't go point fingers missy.'

M-'i admitted that i like Quil. You haven't . I can still tease you =P'

I glared at her while she was trying to contain her giggles..We'll finish this later.She tore out the page and stuffed it in her bag after reading my note. " Bye guys, I'm going to go and head to reading."

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