Chapter Twenty-Nine= Changes: Good or Bad?

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Soo, Ima stop asking for a lot of votes.. Like Two votes :)


Lilly's POV 


When Seth and I got home, Sue was already asleep. Quickly, I showered and changed into my PJs, and grabbed my slippers, and went downstairs, to watch a movie with Seth. I wouldn't call it a date, but, still. It brings a smile to my face.

When i reached the botten step, Seth passed me, holding some popcorn and 'The Ring.'

"Nonononononononononononononono!" I followed Seth into the living room.

"It'll be fine! I promise!"

"Fine?! Yeah right!" I could tell he rolled his eyes before turning back to me.

"If you get scared, all you have to do, is close your eyes."

"That won't help!"

"Nothing can hurt you as long as I am here, okay?" I sighed. There was no point of arguing with a stubborn wolf like himself. "That's the spirit! Now, I'll go get the sour gummy worms and coke, and we'll be good!"

He left the room, and I plopped down on the couch, eating some of the popcorn. When Seth got back, he placed the movie in the DVD player,grabbed the remote, and came and sat next to me on the couch.

After getting comfy on the couch for both of us, he pressed play. My first reaction was hiding myself underneath the blankets.

Seth's POV 


Halfway through the movie, Lilly moved her position from one side of the couch, to her head on my lap. From her deep breaths, I could tell she was asleep. I turned off the cheesy movie, and leaned back, careful not wake Lilly up. I knew that Jake would be furious that I'm now dating his imprint. But he was being a *dummy* and not asking her out.

I knew that Sam threw a fit before, and I knew that he might come over tomorrow. I hope he didn't tell Jake. That would be a problem. But i knew he hadn't because, well, he hasn't come and killed me yet. I swallowed the fear of Jake killing me. Sam, he would argue that he shouldn't kill me, and then Jake would be like, but he dated my imprint! And then Sam would agree, and then.. There goes my precious life, gone in an instant.

Part of me wonders why I asked Lilly out in the frist place, when I knew the consequences, and then I remember wathing Lilly look longingly at Jake, and belive that I could help her feel, well, less wanting. I know the feeling when you can't have someone you want. LIke my imprint. That i haven't found. Yet.

Jake's POV 


*in the morning*

I rubbed my face. I was currently sitting on my bed, dressed and ready to head out, but hesitant. I was going to head over to the Clearwater's, but.. What if Lilly refuses to talk to me? I wanted to apologise. I realise now that, I do like LIlly, more than Bella, and wanted tomend our friendship, in hope that Lilly will someday, like to date her, and possibly, I don't know, marry her.

"Jake?" I heard my Dad call to me from the living room. I got up from my bed, and walked out of my room.

"Yeah, dad?"

"I'm going to Charlie's and we're going fishing later today, so, here's fifty dollars. Just for food. Sam's going to come-" There was a ringing the doorbell. "That must be him." I nodded and hugged my dad goodbye.

"Have fun dad! Be safe!" He quickly yelled a goodbye, and he and Charlie were off. I stood there staring at the door, trying to make up my mind, weather to go or not.

"Oh screw it." I grabbed my phone and ran out the door, locking it after me.

I ran all the way to Sam's house, and I caught him right before he left.

"Hey Sam." I greeted.

"Jake." He spared me a second glance. "Where are you going. I know it wasn't just to see me, am I correct?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I was told to come and see you, by Billy, and then I was going to head over to the Clearwater's to se- apologize to Lilly." A look of panic flashed through Sam's eyes.

"Sam, what do I not know?"

"Nothing. We can head over there together. I have to speak with Seth. Let me call the rest of the pack. We'll have our meeting there."

*ten minutes later*

After walking in incredible, awkward silence, we reached the Clearwater's. Paul, Embry, Jared, and Quil waited for us on the porch, being served lemonade by Sue. When Sue heard us coming, she glanced at me, and then looked down quickly. She placed the pitcher down, grabbed her keys, walked over to Sam, and handed him something. Than she walked to her car, unlocked it, and drove off.

I did a quick head nod towards the boys, and walked, more like ran, to the door. But Paul stepped in front of me.


"Move Paul. I have to speak with Lills."

"Last time I checked, you two had some beef. You think she might not want to see you?" I shoved him out of the way.

"Oh well." 

As I walked inside, I moved past the kitchen to the stairs. But as I almost reached the stairs, I saw movement from the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw Lilly asleep on top of Seth. A snarl/growl escaped my lips as I watched the pair sleep next to each other.

I heard the guys run in, and I felt myself grow angrier and angrier as I watched the pair. I felt two strong arms try and pull me out of the house, but I couldn't move. It was like I needed to feel the betrayal of the girl I love. There were noises, and I watched as Seth and Lilly woke, to see the commotion.

I met eyes with Lilly first, shock, hurt, and a little bit of happiness shone through her blue eyes, and then I met Seth's. My anger increased when I met Seth's. His face was in shock, but the look in his eyes, was the expression of smug. For the next few moments all I saw was red. I heard a definite scream and some thuds, but when I came to, Lilly was across the room, and Seth and Sam had shifted.


  Hey guys :) 

Two votes and three comments for the next chapter :)

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