Chapter Twenty-One= Party Stops When I Leave

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  Thanks for all the reads guys, so here's an update!!!


 Lilly's P.O.V.


 I held back yells as i stood up. I took one last glance at the guys and turned. I ran to the woods. I choked back howls of pain as i 'ran'. I ignored all the calls of my name.  I ignored the pain, and the thoughts that i could fall off a cliff. I just needed to be away. Away from them. Away from the danger of hurting them. Away from my only friends. Away from it all. 

  Suddenly, i felt the building in my chest. I looked up to the moon and i changed. My clothes were shredded off and i had my black coat on. Pounding foot steps came from behind me, and i took off running. 

"LILLY!" I heard Sam, Paul, and.... Jacob? Didn't he have Bella to take care of? I heard the shredding of clothes, and so the boys must have changed. I sprinted faster away from the boys. Heavy breathing and  thudding came from behind. The stench of wolf filled my nose. 

 I willed myself to run faster. I was already going as fast as I could.  The smell of wolf was closer now, and i heard the heavy breathing of the wolves. I got to the border of the Washington and ran into Idaho. The boys ran after me, but stopped when i crossed into their forests.

    Jacob's POV


  We chased that cursed panther out of the state, but no sign of  Lilly. This worries me. What if the panther got her?

    Seth's POV


    Jacob. he left. He left us with that she-devil. The she-devil with a smug look on her face. Says Lilly was scared of her. Ha. Like Lilly would be scared of her. Jake and the guys came back, but no Lilly. Sam and Paul went and talked to Jared, Quil, an Embry. 

"Jacob." Sam said. "Take Bella home, then meet at Emily's house." Jake nodded.He took Bella's hand and started to walk to Jake's truck. Though they were about 50 feet away, i could hear Bella whining. 

"Lilly's gone. Why do we have to go? She's such a drag. We could actually have fun now!!" I rolled my eyes.

"Look Bells. She's our friend, and we're worried." Jake said. But i wish he said more. I walked to the guys, and told them i was going home to see if Lilly was there. 

  I started walking to my house, when i heard a bird tweet. I looked up at the tree, and instead of leaves, i saw a full moon. Full moon. Lilly. HOLY COWS!! It's a full moon!! Lilly's a panther right now!!

 I ran to the house. I know when the moon sets, Lilly would be back. All i had to do is wait. I hate waiting.. 

  I walked into the house and shut the door. It was late, but not that late. Like around 10, i guess. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. I can be tired, can't I?


Hey guys!! Thanks for the 6,299 reads!! Fan,vote,comment, do whatever!! 

I will post again once i get one vote and one comment!!

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