Chapter Nineteen= Say That To My Face

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Lilly's P.O.V.


I huffed and stalked off to the boys. But my walking was cut short when the boys smelt me. They rushed up and each gave me a hug.

"LILLY!!" Embry yelled happy. Embry and I have always had a close relationship. We were friends for a long time.

"EM!!" I yelled. He gave me a tight hug and I hugged back. He then let go and pulled me to the campfire. I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't eat.

"Please eat Lills." Embry begged. He didn't want to seem like a fatty by getting me to eat. But I won't eat as much as that kid. He had like two hamburgers and three hotdogs. All fully packed!

"No." I said, not giving in. He huffed and turned back to Quil and their conversation why socks are so soft. They're weird. I got up and started to walk to where Paul was, texting away on his phone, when somebody picked me up from behind. Of corse I didn't scream!! Why on earth- Lies. I did. *frown* Seth laughed happily along with the others as he put me down.

"Seth!!" I yelled playfully at him. But I was still mad at him.

"Yes my dear Lilly?" He asked in a posh voice. I rolled my eyes. But before I could reply, Jake and Bella walked over. There was a course of hellos coming from the pack, while. I just stared.

"Hey Jake." Quil said happily. "Hey Bella!" Jake waved a bit, but Bella didn't do anything. And that peeved me.

"You know it's polite to say 'hi' or 'hey' or 'hello' back to a person when they great you." I snapped at Bella. Jake, Bella, and everyone else all fixed their gazes at me. Jake shot me a dirty look.

"You know, you should learn to keep your mouth shut." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Talking is a good thing, Jacob." I snapped back.

"Well, at least I have friends. That actually talk to me 24/7." He said. I must admit, that stung a little. But I was determined not to show him that.

"Well, I'm shocked. That's comforting to know that you don't know how to treat a lady." Jake rolled his eyes at me. But before Jake could speak, Bella opened her thin mouth.

"He knows how to treat a lady. But you're not one. You're a b-" Seth cut her off.

"No need to be harsh." I know Seth was trying to ease a brewing fight, but I was already pi$$€d.

"Say that again," I snapped. "Say that to my face. I dare you to." Bella stepped up to my level.

"B*****." I did the next thing out of reflex. I slapped her. I did. I really did. I slapped Bella Swan. And I was going to get h-e-double-hockey-sticks from it.

Love Me But Don't Hurt Me. (Seth Clearwater/OC/Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now