Chapter Thirty-Two= An Imprint??

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Seth's P.O.V.


I remember every word Lily said to me minutes ago. I knew it was for the best, but it still hurt. A lot.

Hearing many sounds throughout the house, I knew at once Lilly said goodbye to our relationship. Though she might of went into her room. Her sweet perfume filled my nostrils with every breath I took. It was hard not to feel the emptiness Im feeling now.

Suddenly, it felt as if I really need coffee. But not my mom's coffee. Starbucks coffee. After many seconds, I could finally find the strength to open my eyes, but once I did, I was blinded by light.

Blinking, I could finally see again. Feeling exhausted, I exhaled, and tried to sit up. After five minutes of pain, I was sitting up successfully. Leaning on the headboard, I scanned my room for clothes. Quickly finding a pair of khaki shorts and a dark-wash tee-shirt, I hauled myself out of my bed. My bare feet touched the ground, and shivers crawled up my spine. I shakily stood up, and my legs ached with soreness. I shuffled across the wooden floor towards the clothes items, and pulled them over my bare body.

I grabbed some sandals, my wallet, care keys, and slowly crept out of my room.

*Time Jump!! :D*

I pulled up to Starbucks, and parked in the closest spot, that wasn't Handicapped, and I slid out. I took a look around. The sky was blue, and the sweet aroma of coffee drifted into my nose. I walked (more liked limped) towards Starbucks, and I opened the door. The sweet jingle of the bell played, but my mind drowned it out. There, at a table next to a far window, sat a girl, with dirty blonde hair, pulled into a messy bun, typing on her laptop, and bobbing her head to the music in her ears. Her messy bun had hair spurting out, and some cascaded down her back. A soft smile sat on my lips as I watched her mouth words, to a song that I have no clue of it's title.

I guess I looked like a creeper, watching her, and I was in people's way,I side stepped away from the mob of angry white girls, and kept my gaze set in the mysterious girl. I held my breath as I watched her get up, close her laptop, and grab her coffee cup.

Realizing she was leaving, I frantically looked around for a coffee I could steal, and there was an unattended cup sitting on an empty table. I swiped the coffee, and acted like I was reading the sign, but kept an eye on the beautiful girl.

She walked past me, and her sweet smell of cinnamon and vanilla left me dizzy. I caught her blushing as she looked at me from the corner of her eye. I quickly, after giving her a second to walk out, followed her out the door, and into the busy town of Port Angeles.

No sweeter smell could match the way this girl smelt. She was beautiful. She was petite, with her jeans hugging her legs, and a loose blue colored 'Love' tee hanging off her shoulders. The breeze blew her shirt backwards, and her intoxicating smell made me limp. I followed her, and saw her drop her head phones, but she was oblivious to it.

I jogged (like a normal human) and picked them up, while rushing to catch this lovely human.

"Excuse me." Da(ng) it. My voice sounded weak and winded, when really it was just unused. The petite beauty turned towards me, after hearing my husky voice, and stopped walking.

"Yes?" She asked. Woah. Her voice sounded like one of those voices you would expect a fairy to have. Not high pitched, but welcoming, soft, and very, very musical.

"Um." I looked stupid. Get it together Seth!
"You, uh. You dropped these." Stupidly, I stuck out my right hand, which was holding my phony coffee cup. The girl laughed! Oh her laugh! I could listen to it, all day.

"I'm pretty sure I have my cup," She looked at the name on the cup, and then back to me, face shinning disbelief. "Princess Ariel."

Shocked, I looked down at the cup to show that it indeed had that name printed in it. Heat rushed to my face, and I quickly stuck out my left hand, which held her black beats ear buds.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you do much! My mom would've killed me!" She grabbed the buds, and flashed me a welcoming smile.

I smiled at her, loving how are simple conversation is going.

She stuck out her hand.

"I'm Jenna." I shook her hand, my large one covering hers. Grinning at the thought that this is an actual
encounter with this beauty, I replied.

"I'm Seth." She gave me a side smile.

"That's an adorable name. Fits you." Her cheeks reddened, as well as mine.
" Oh my god did I just say that outloud??" I chuckled at her, even though my blush was as bright as hers.

"Thank you?" I asked simply, laughs escaping my lips as I spoke. We laughed together for a minute, but then her phone rang.

She jumped at the sound, but quickly pulled out her iPhone 4 and answered the call.

"Hi mom." She pauses then answers. "I'm going to the store now. don't worry, I'll get dinner mom." Her mom answered, and trying not to ease drop on their conversation, I dropped my gaze to my shoes.

" I love you too. See you at home! Bye!!"

She looked at me, and I pulled my eyes up to her.

"I'm guessing you have to go?" Sadness accidentally slipped through my voice as she frowned.

"Yes, but here." She handed me a business card. "My number is the one in pink pen."

I shot her a confused look. "Why?" I held out to the business card. Her cheeks turned light pink.

"I understand if you don't want my num-"

"Nonsense!" I exclaimed. " I meant why it's on a business card."

"Oh!!" She said, looking down at her feet and smiling timidly. "It's because I got bored."

I laughed, but took the card anyways, and put it in my front pocket.

"I'll text you soon okay?" I said, smiling down at her. She nodded, then looked down at her phone.

"I'll be waiting, Princess Ariel." She winked and walked to her car, that was conveniently right in front of us, and let herself in.

I laughed and watched her leave. Watching her drive away hurt me, but now having her phone number made my heart race.

Smiling to myself, I walked over to the trash can and disposed over the coffee cup, and walked back into Starbucks. I was already here, why waste a trip?

Standing in line, I listened to the girls right in front of me argue.

"I told you watch my cup!" The on the right yelled at her.

"Well sooooorrrrrryyyyyy Ariel."


. Hey guys!! I know it's been a while (a long while) But yeah!!

I planned to make it longer, but I figured I made you guys wait long enough!

Anyways, please please PLEASE give me feedback. I'd love the help from my amazing readers!!

Love you!!!

Oh & the reason why I've been gone was because I was depressed, so yup! I'm better now!!

Chat ya later!!

Love Me But Don't Hurt Me. (Seth Clearwater/OC/Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now