Chapter Three= Questions...

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We had an intense staring contest to tell if we were real. I slowly ducked beneath the table and hid.

" Lilly, ios that you??" Seth whispered. " I don't know what your talking about." i whispered. " Get out from under the table!!!!" he whispered yelled. I crawled out from the table, thanking the darkness for once. Hoping he couldnt see me, i crawled up the stairs. I felt a firm hand hold my shoulder pulling me back. I g- rated cursed and and got up. " where were you, why weren't you in bed?" " why weren't you in bed? and how do you know i wasnt here?" He gave me a look and pulled out a leaf in my hair. I sighed, quickly scaning my mind for a lie. " i went to bed early, and then i saw two dinners and sat outside for you, sense mom wouldn't leave two dinners out. I waited a whie and got tired. So, i came back inside and cooked my dinner. Gosh." I sighed and continued. " I said my reason now tell me yours." His eyes widening, obiously forgeting he was out too. i smirked as he started stutteringecuses. " It got late so Emily went to be... Sam lost track of time.... Ummm... Paul knocked me out for an hour... Um" " Those are excuses for everyone else. Tell me yours." " I just lost time okay!!" he exsaperated complianed. i raised my hands up in surrender. " Good night!" I ran up the stairs to my room. I jumped on my bed. i hissed in pain as my side hit the bed. i closed my eyes and started to rest.

Seth P.O.V.

I watched as Lilly ran up the stairs. I noticed a bandaid on her side. The same side that panther got clawed. i shook the thought away, knowing she couldnt have. her excuse was perfect, and mine was lame. i cooked the spagatti and put Lilly's unfinished one in in the trash. i ate in silence and and headed up to bed.

Sorry its short. i'm packing Saturday for a trip im going on Sunday thru Thursday.

Less than three, CookieMonster203203

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