Chapter Twenty-Four= Not Planned

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Lilly's POV 


I slugged to my crapppy hotel after the match. It was a cage fight, but i won. I unlocked the room and threw my bag down. I trugged to my room and walked to my bed. I sat down and fell back on the crappy bed. Sighing, I realize I was still wearing sweat, boxing clothes, and prewrap.

I popped my neck, got up, and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the poor excuse of hot water, stripped down, and hopped into the semi-warm shower. I hummed a bit while washing off the grime and sweat from today, when I heard a semi-crash. It wasn't something a human would notice, but I'm no human. I quickly grabbed my bra and shorts and put them on hastily and quietly after hopping out of the shower. 

I walked silently and quickly to where I heard the crash. My nails started to grow out slightly. They were almost normal, but a bit longer and sharper.  

I turned the corner and peeked inside my room. The window was wide open, and two leeches were in my room. They were both handsome men, but that's obvious because their perfect-inhuman like features. But neither of them were as handsome as Jacob.

What am I thinking?

The tallest one, had brown shaggy hair, almost past his ears, and he had a tight dark blue shirt that showed every inch of his abs. The next one, had blonde cropped hair. He wore a loose tee that showed the top half of his abs, but not like his stomach. 

They were both waking around my room, not giving any thought that I was out of the shower.

"Hey Daniel," The short one said. "Why are we here again?" The tall one looked agitated.  

"Riley sent us here, remember? He said to get as many recrutes as we can." I narrowed my eyes and ducked behind the wall again.

 Riley? As in Riley Biers? How would he be involved with vamps, while missing?

"So what are we doing with this chick? She going to think we are weirdos messing through her stuff when she gets out of the shower."

These two are really dumb.

"Look, let's just turn her, and get out of here." Daniel said, walking in my direction.  

"Daniel, hold up. You are going to walk in there while she's naked? How do you think the is going to go?"  

"Look, the longer we wait, the less time we have to hunt, so, let's just get this done." I rolled my eyes. These two think they're going to turn me? No. 

"Daniel, just wait till she comes out, okay? Is that so hard?" Daniel sighed.  

"I guess you are right Kyle." These two have no idea who they are messing with. But I'm surprised on how they didn't realize my scent.  

Wanting to get this over, I grew out my claws a bit, and my teeth grew sharper. I'm not intending that I'll be using them, but it would be the best that they are ready. I waited till they were relaxed, I waked ut from behind the corner slowly.

"What the heck are you doing in my room, and expect me not(i) to notice?" The boys look shocked. "Now, we can do this the easy way. You can get up, walk out of my room, and never bother me again, after, of corse, explaining what you are doing in L.A., and talking about Riley Biers." They shared a glance. Daniel spoke first. 

"Whats the hard way?"  

"It's my favorite way. I will pull both of your limbs off, as well as your heads, and set then on fire." Their eyes widened.  

"Are you a vampire?" Kyle asked. I chuckled. 

"No, I'm worse." They both stood up and looked at my cautiously.  

"Look, we don't want any trouble. This is our first time doing something like this." Daniel spoke cautiously. "We don't mean any trouble." I looked over them, wondering of they were speaking the truth. 

"Have you hunted before?" I asked. 

"Yes." Daniel looked down guilty. Kyle just stood there anticipating my next move. 

"Did you mean to be a vampire?" I asked. 

"No." They both said.

"Can I trust you?" They shared a look. 

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked. 

"I don't know. I just feel like I have to." Daniel sent me a quizzical look.  

"Why?" I retracted my claws, and my teeth grew smaller.  

"I have no idea, but I just feel like I have to. Now, can I trust you." 

"Yes." They agreed.

"Good. Now how do you do road trips?" I asked, popping my shoulders. 

They sent me a crazy look.  

"Good, I gues." Kyle said.  

"Great! We are leaving for Forks tomorrow!" I walked to my closet. 


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